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"Who trained you?" inquired Mace Windu.

"Well hello to you too." Answered Anakin, who was clearly annoyed by the council's lack of respect.

"Answer the question boy." Pressed Mace

"Well firstly, m'name's Anakin, and nobody trained me." Anakin felt as if he were on a game show, and he were on the hot seat. There was a collective gasp as many whispered something about how they thought he were trained by the sith.

"And even before I step in the door, the jedi think I'm evil, just great." Muttered Anakin.

"Respect the order." The green troll stated while banging his glimmer stick on the ground.

"Ain't nobody respected me when I was dragged over here." Replied Anakin.

That silenced the council, once again, Anakin Skywalker outwitted them.

"Why did you run away?" asked another master, who was evidently not human and wore a mask on his face.

"Now that is a great question, probably because I didn't want to go to agricorps, and also because that ship was a nubuian 1700, the fastest of it's kind." Joked Anakin.

"Come on Anakin, just answer the question, it'll make it go faster, and we all know you want to start messing with some droid parts after." Qui Gon nudged Anakin a little.
"Okay, I'll give my honest reason for why I ran."

"Well, I think that the order is just a whole load of bantha poodoo" Every master's glare suddenly intensified until Anakin felt as if their glares were choking him. Anakin continued. "Jedi are always being manipulated by the senate and slaves to your precious code. I want to love, I want to be free to love and care unlike all of you emotionless robots. I want to wear what I want, do what I want and go where I want, which you all obviously aren't letting me do. I wanted freedom, and I wanted to free my mother and the other slaves that you all turn a blind eye on. I left because I realised that I had gone from one form of slavery to another. I still have to call everyone master, you all will tell me what to wear, what to do and most importantly you will ask me to get rid of my emotions. Emotions are the only thing that I have ever owned, and if I join you, I will be stripped of them too." By the time Anakin had finished his rant, his hands were clenched, his teeth were bared, and tears bordered his eyes. What he hadn't realised was that he had shattered every single piece of glass in the room.

His tears weren't from the memories of rejection that had resurfaced after he had buried them deep into his mind years ago. They were tears of anger and hatred to slavers and the inhumane acts that Anakin had been too young to see. In his eyes, the Jedi were just like the slavers, but under a different name. The stole babies and taught them to not feel or care, like some kind of factory. The jedi that weren't on the council were just the puppets, their strings were pulled by those on the council. Everyone inside the temple had no freedom or free will. The only thing worse than not having freedom is not knowing it.

Anakin jumped out of the building before any of the masters could react. Thinking fast, he leapt onto a speeder and hung on. There was a searing pain in his ankle, but he could deal with that later. All he had to do now was outrun some pesky Jedi. Taking control of the speeder, he zoomed at top speed away from the temple, while expertly dodging buildings. He was a risk taker, and a shoot first type of person. He had wind in his wavy hair, fire in his eyes and no regrets.


Hope you enjoyed Anakin's rant, cause I definitely did enjoy writing it. Also, to all the grammar nazis out their, please excuse the mistakes and typos. Im way too lazy to run it through grammarly.

I gotta jet, so toodles!


Catch me when I fall  {Anakin Skywalker AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora