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3 years later...

Back at the temple

"Chancellor Palpatine is a sith?" How can this be? Thought Obi-Wan "Yes, I'm afraid so"

aside Plo Kloon gravely. "He was amongst us all along, until now, we thought that the Sith no longer exists, but we are proven wrong." "Underestimated the dark side we have, let down the guard we have, pay the price, we will." Stated Yoda, even the green troll's eternally expressionless face had a hint of urgency. Yoda sighed, "Admit we were wrong I must find the chosen one you will, Qui Gon and Obi-wan, he is our only hope." "Until he is found, we will stay together and prepare ourselves for war." Mace was always the practical one, even when the things he said were brutally honest. At the word war, the tension in the room was tangible, just by saying the word, the whole room collectively tensed, before putting on their stoic Jedi expressions on once again.

Anakin was the peak of his life, the adrenaline of racing was his life, the winning he got was his fuel, and the thought of his mother was his fire. He had ambitions and goals, and nothing would stop him. He stood beside his ship, admiring the view of the city of Corellia, he had just won the 3rd grand final in a row, even if the race was dangerous and illegal.

Suddenly, he sensed a Jedi and a familiar one too. It took them three years to finally come after me. Thought Anakin, while putting his hand on his knife. It wasn't any medieval weapon, it was fitted with electricity and heat, to effectively burn, cut and electrocute anyone that came in contact with it, best of all, Anakin had made a small version of the shield/force field around his ship and applied it to the blade. Made specially to combat Jedi scum. Anakin was going to fly away with his fighter until he realised he was still fixing it after a cheater in the races threw a hammer into his engines.

He had no choice but to face Qui Gon. Anakin stepped forwards, until the balls of his feet were over the edge of the cliff, and took in the pastel orange colour of the sunset, giving himself one last moment of serenity, until he turned around to find two Jedi, with their hand behind their back. "I see Obi-Wan, you're still trailing you master around, like a slave." Retorted Anakin. "I see your manners have greatly decreased since you ran away." Obi-Wan snapped back. Anakin was just about to open his mouth to let out a string of colourful curse words, but Qui Gon intervened. "Anakin, we don't want to harm you, you have no parents, no protector-" He was cut off by Anakin, who whispered, "And nobody to control me like I'm a slave." "I'm sorry Anakin, But I have to do this," using the force, Qui Gon pushed Anakin to the wall and restrained him.

Anakin, still fighting, pulled some dirty tricks he had learned on the streets, biting the Jedi, kicking their weak points, going for eyes. What finally pushed Qui Gon back was a sudden burst of condensed force energy, Qui Gon was taken back since when did Anakin learn to harness his force powers. Maybe he was already being Trained by a sith lord, he had to get Anakin back and fast. He stared into Anakin's intense blue eyes and could see the hurt. Anakin would have to be taken to the council, or he would fall to the dark side for sure. "I'm so sorry Anakin, but I have to take you back to the temple, even if it's by force."

Catch me when I fall  {Anakin Skywalker AU}Where stories live. Discover now