Book 5 Sneak Peek

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Hey guys! I said that I'll be back with a sneak peek of the final book of the series so here it is!!

Unfortunately, updates for this book will be slow due to school testing season coming up and I have a bunch of in real life stuff to worry about but I will do my best to update as much as I can.

Anyways, enjoy!!


"York, you got a Banshee on your six." I warned him, as I flew through a purple and blue explosion.

I watched as my brother skillfully slows down and does a backward flip, ending up behind the enemy. He fires his missiles and destroys the Banshee.

"I don't need you to be my backseat driver." Came his annoyed reply.

"Oh right.. that's Delta's job."

"I preferred to be called a co-pilot rather than a.. backseat driver."

"D, don't encourage her." My brother scolded and I break out laughing.

"Tiger.. focus on clearing out the Banshees and not dying please." My fiance reminds me from the main control room on the surface, which makes me roll my eyes. "You worry about me too much-"

"A.. we got a problem." Beta interrupts as she appears, standing on top of my dash with her BR in hand.

"Well isn't that a surprise." I say sarcastically. "What is it?"

"See for yourself." She looks towards space and I follow her gaze.

"Oh no.." I gulped.

"That's not what I think it is right?" York asks in disbelief as he pulls up his Sabre next to mine.

"Tiger.. what's wrong?" I hear Wash demand in my earpiece. "Abby-"

The stars were beginning to fade away and with new colors taking it's place. Purple and gray dotted the space before us and I knew exactly what it was and what's going to come.

"York we gotta move NOW." I yelled, jamming on the thrusters and spinning my ship around back towards Chorus.

"I agree with you 100%." He follows in suit and flies after me.

"Huh, that's a first." I joked.

"What the heck going on up there." Kimball orders.

"There's a whole fleet of Covenant ready to invade Chorus, that's what's happening."

Agent Alaska: The Coming War (Red vs Blue)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant