Chapter One

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Guess who made a new book? Yup, it's me, I hope you enjoy!

The city was a wave of people as the markets were setting up. A tall, slim figure in a long blue cloak slipped through the crowd with ease, never touching a single person. His other cloaked friend, however, had great difficulty making his way through the crowd. He bumped into several people, apologising straight away.

"Logan how much further?" the small one whined.
"Not long now, Virgil, do try to keep up. Is your hood up?" Logan asked.
Virgil picked up the speed and replied,
"Yes, of course, it would be up whether you instructed it or not, you know how I feel about my eyes."
"I do not see why you hate them, I think they are rather extraordinary,"
Virgil scowled at the compliment.
"I hate being different!"

Some passerbys stared at Virgil, making him more nervous.
"You must keep a low profile, they may not welcome you back with open arms,"
Virgil felt his chest tighten and his eyes pricked with tears.

Logan noticed his sudden silence.
"Though I am certain they will, they seemed to care about you a lot,"
"Really?" Virgil asked, perking up immediately.
"Of course, you were engaged,"
"Are," Virgil corrected him.

The two walked along through the crowd before Logan suddenly stopped.
"Ah, we have arrived,"
Virgil looked up to the castle, fear and happiness attacking him all at once. He twisted his ring around his finger as he stared at his former home.

The sound of horse shoes clacking on the ground alerted Virgil right away and Logan sensed the tension.
"Virgil, what is wrong?"
"Greetings travelers!" a sing-song voice called from behind them.
Logan and Virgil turned to face the voice.
"-Roman." Virgil mumbled.

For a moment, Roman was frozen in place, studying Logan's face curiously, analysing his dark electric blue eyes, pale skin, and tall refined nose. He admired his dark brown hair and saw his own charming reflection in his thick black glasses.

He was intrigued by his long dark blue button-up-cloak that left a small V shape down Logan's chest to reveal his black shirt and dark blue, stripy tie. As he looked further down, he saw he was wearing cream pants and polished black shoes, he was very smartly dressed, a man Roman would never usually get excited by, but his heart raced faster than ever before.

He was snapped back into reality by the neigh of his horse Copper,
"I am Prince Roman, and you are?" Roman asked in a flirtatious manner towards Logan.
"I am Mr. Stewards, an alchemist, and I believe I have an old friend of yours," Logan answered, unfazed by Roman's flirting, gesturing to Virgil.

Roman raised an eyebrow.
"I don't believe we've met," he said, looking Virgil's black cloak that had been patched several times with purple gingham up and down.
"Perhaps if you were to take off your hood?" he asked.
"May we go indoors for this?" Logan asked.
"Of course," Roman nodded, sliding off of Copper and leading them into the private stable.

Virgil took a shaky breath inwards and removed his hood. He looked up to Roman nervously.

He stood frozen for a moment breathing rapidly.
"Virgil?" he asked wearily.
"Hey Roman," Virgil smiled nervously.
"How are you- where did you- when did you?"
"Ah, so you do know him," Logan smirked.
"Ro, I can explain everything, but I would rather Patton was with us so I wouldn't have to tell it twice," Virgil explained.
Roman's astonishment turned to anger as he yelled,
"If you think I'm letting you anywhere near my brother you've got another thing coming!"

Virgil shrunk back, unable to respond. Logan had quick thinking,
"Is it not his right to see his fiancé that he has been searching for for five years? I believe Prince Patton will so desperately wish to see Virgil, do you agree?"
Roman was smitten over the way Logan spoke, and so passionately too.
"I-I suppose," was all he could manage.
"Excellent, now, should we gather first or pack away our things?" Logan asked gesturing to the suitcases they were holding.
"Patton is not here at the moment, so you may pack up, but please join me in the throne room,"
"Thank you, your majesty" Logan said politely.
"Please, call me Roman," he smiled, "how about you gorgeous, got a name?"
"Logan," he replied dryly.

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