Chapter Sixteen

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"Great," Roman said to himself when Mark and Logan left.
"You idiot!" the figure hissed from behind him.
"Oh, hey......dude,"
"You could've had your chance!"
"I just couldn't let him do it. He's married,"
"You mortals and your morals," the figure rolled their eyes.
"Look, I just wanna be alone right now," Roman started to walk, but the figure grabbed his wrist.

Roman looked down at their wrist and saw a green star charm on a bracelet. He decided to say something. The figure already looked pretty irritated.
"You wasted the only vile I had! Why didn't you just do it?! You love him and he loves you!"
Roman looked to the floor.
"That's the thing. He doesn't love me. He was caught up in the moment and didn't know what he was doing, he-"
"-ughhhhh please stop with the speeches, they're killing me!"
"Sorry....I guess I'm mist upset that he's moving,"
The figures eyes lit up in excitement,
"He's moving?"
"Yeah," Roman sighed.
"I have to go," they smiled, disappearing into the shadows.

"Okay, what," Roman asked himself. He didn't have much time to ponder as Patton came trudging out of the forest, twigs in his hair and mud on his face.
"What ha-"
"-don't ask!"
He walked into the castle without another word.

"Again," Roman said to himself,


"We have to tell you all something," Logan said the next day in the throne room.
Roman's stomach churned.
"We are moving,"
"Moving?!" Patton asked.
"You can't leave me! I need you!" Virgil exclaimed.
"Where?" Emma asked.

All eyes turned to her. She blushed.
"I mean, noooo, don't go,"
"Well, we are moving back to my cabin,"
Roman felt like being sick.
"W-where abouts is it?"
"That is classified information,"
"How will I write?"

The room fell silent.
"Awkward," Emma mumbled.
"We are hoping to leave today. We are almost packed,"
Roman grew pale.

"Today? That's a bit soon, kiddo,"
"That is when we wish to leave and that is when we will leave. Come on Mark, let's finish packing,"

The two left and Roman's chest ached. He didn't want this. Why? Why now? Why so soon? There was only one explanation he could think of...

No strings attached.

He had hurt him.


Mark and Logan gathered their bags at the bottom of the stairs. It was night so they could fly out with less of a chance of being seen. They would take their cloaks off when they got a little further into the woods.

Patton and Virgil walked down together.
"Do you really have to go?" Patton asked.
Mark nodded solemnly.
"I'm really gonna miss you guys!" Patton wrapped his arms around the two.
"I'll miss you too!" Mark exclaimed.
"As will I," Logan agreed.

Patton let the embrace go and Virgil looked to Logan.
"You can't go, L, I need you,"
"You don't need me, Vi-"
"-what if I set fire to the garden again? Or someone finds out my secret. Or-"
"-I'll have someone keep an eye on you,"
The two smiled.

"Hey, Lo," Emma said awkwardly.
"Emma," he said, equally awkward.
"Well I never really got to know you but you kept your room super clean, you made my job easier, thanks," she smiled.
Logan smiled back,
"You seem to make Virgil happy, continue to do that."
"I will," she smiled.

Logan met Roman's eye as Mark said his goodbyes.
"Bye Roman," Mark smiled,
"I had fun with you and Copper. That was a good day."
"Mhm," he mumbled.
All eyes turned to Logan.
"Well, we better be going," he said, not giving Roman another glance.

He and Mark walked out of the door into the cold fresh night, Mark supporting Logan due to his sprained ankle.
Patton, Virgil and Emma turned to Roman, who'sface showed all of the pain he felt.

He watched them leave and wanted to badly run out and punch Mark: make him pay for stealing Logan.

He waited about ten seconds and then ran out towards the forest and caught up to Logan and Mark.
"I don't get a goodbye?!"
"What?" Mark asked.
"Mark, go into the forest for a while,"
Mark left and advanced into the forest.
"I don't get a goodbye?!" Roman repeated himself.
"Am I just not important enough for you?!"
"-what do I have to do?! Give you a guest bedroom after knowing you for five minutes? Kept your secret a secret? Didn't criticise the fact you got married so fast? Kissed you in the woods and didn't tell your husband?! Oh oh wait a minute, I did those things!!!"
"-I guess I have to give you a little credit, though. It is hard to say goodbye to four people. Uhm, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, g-" he dramatically chocked on his words,
"It's physically impossible!"
Logan didn't know what to say.
"You know what, have fun in your little cabin. I hope you and Mark are very happy together,"

He rushed up into the castle and flew up the stairs. Logan stood there for a while fighting against his options.

He decided to limp after him.
"Roman, wait!"
He froze.
"You think I didn't say goodbye because you are not as important or mean less to me?!"
He turned to face him.
"Well that's what it seemed like!""
"Well you're wrong! It's because you mean more to me. Every time I think of leaving you it makes me not want to go. You ve helped me through so much abd have been so kind to me. You're my best friend, Roman. And this hurts me just as much as it hurts you.

The tears spilled down Roman's cheeks.
"No. If it hurt you a fragment as much as it hurt me, you wouldn't go."
He ran upstairs and Logan couldn't hold the tears in.
"Hey Lo Lo, you ready to go?" Mark asked softly.
He turned around.
"Yes. Let's go,"

Emma, Virgil and Patton were waiting in Roman's room for him and they attacked him with hugs.
"I-I just w-wanted him to st-stay,"
"We all did," Patton said softly.
The four hugged and comforted Roman into the long night ahead, and Logan flew through the tears to his future with Mark.

Aaaaaand another extremely short chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed this little angst-filled chapter and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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