Chapter Thirty-Two

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You might recognise the picture from a previous chapter....

Emma's breathing was fast and uneven, her heart rate exhilarating  dramatically. But she wouldn't back down.

"Emma," Virgil whispered. He couldn't keep his stone face anymore. Not with Emma in danger.

"Emma," Daniel smiled. Not a cruel smirk. A genuine, happy smile.

He left Virgil and ran towards her,


He wrapped his arms around her while she returned the gesture.

"Dan," she cried into his shoulder.

"Well there she goes with her emotions again," Logan sighed, helping the others up. 

"Emma, it's been so long!"

"Seven years," she cried.

He parted the hug and held her at arm's length.

"You're so beautiful,"

She smiled at him.

"And you've kept the necklace,"

"Of course I have. It reminds me of you,"

"We can finally be together now, Em, you and I,"

Virgil's eyes widened in fear and his heart stopped for a moment. Dark Sides aren't capable of love. This is lies. All of it. The smiles. The hugs. The flattery.

"Emma, no!" he yelled, racing towards them. Emma held eye contact with Daniel while he held up his hand, creating a yellow force-field stretching far across the battlefield. A sort of wall between the two and the others.


"Of course," he held her hands,


"But what?" she asked, completely absorbed.

"We're too different. You're a mortal, I'm a Dark Side,"

"So what should we do?" 

"Emma, stop, it's a trick!" Virgil shrieked, banging his hands against the force-field. But his words were pointless. The force-field blocked out all noise. His agitated and worried tears never caught her eye.

"We don't have enough antidote if they both turn dark," Logan stated, heightening Virgil's worry.

"Uhhhhh guys? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's not enough for one of them,"


"I have no idea where my needle went. It's gone,"

"You stupid mother-"

"So Emma, what do you say?" Daniel smiled.

"I....." She looked to Daniel. Every memory they ever shared. Their first kiss. Their first hug. Their first laugh. Their first dance. Their last kiss. She wanted him. She needed him.

"I'll do it," she smiled.

"Emma, that's great!" he smiled, picking her up and spinning around with her in his arms. She giggled and held onto his neck until he put her down.

"There's something I've wanted to do for seven years," he smiled, leaning his head closer.

"Emma! Emma don't!"

"Virgil, it's no use,"

Virgil ignored them. Emma was the only thing that mattered. He would scream until he lost his voice.

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