Chapter Fifteen

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"Mhm," was all Roman could manage, refusing to cry.
"So you don't-"
"-love you? Nope. Don't get me wrong, you're a great guy but you're just a friend,"
Logan had to fight back tears.

Why does this matter to him? It shouldn't....

But it does.

"I see......well that's all I needed to know,"
The sun finally set and Logan's eyes glowed pink for a fragment of a second.

"Goodnight, Roman,"
"Night Lo,"
Logan left the stable.

As soon as Roman knew he was gone and out of earshot, he collapsed on the ground - crying his heart out.

Copper leaned his head down next to him in order to comfort him. Roman stroked his nose and smiled,
"I did the right thing, didn't I, Cop?"
Copper neighed in agreement.
"I hope so,"


Logan cried all of the way into the woods.
"Why does everyone hurt me? Why doesn't he love me? And why do I care?!"
His vision went blurry with all of the tears but he perused nonetheless.
"I'm married for pete's sake! This is so idiotic!"
His foot got caught on an uplifted tree root and he stumbled to the ground.

His glasses flew from his face and smashed on the ground. He fell unconscious.


"I've already checked there!"
"Well check again, Logan is out there somewhere!"
"Where's Virgil?"
"He's staying with Emma, he's been with her all day,"

Roman thought for a moment.
"Check the woods,"
"Why would he-"
"-check the woods. It's the only place we haven't been,"
He ran into the first clearing he saw and the others split up.

"Where are you, you nerdy idiot?" he asked himself.

He held his lantern up at every tree, every space, every rabbit hole.


"Logan where are you?! Please don't be dead!"


"Logan? Looooogan? Please come out, it's scary out here,"
The wind blew Patton's flame out.
"And now it's dark,"
He felt something crawl on his leg.

Something with eight legs of its own.

He screamed.


Roman gasped as he saw a pair of broken glasses on the floor. He continued in that direction.
"Logan!" he cried when he caught sight of him lying on the ground.
Logan groaned.
"I suppose I am not dead?"
"Nope," he smiled, carefully stepping over the loose branches.

"Can you stand up?"
"If I could I would have done that by now,"
"Hurt your leg?"
"My ankle, to be precise,"
"Need some help up?"
"Where is Mark?" he whined.
"Out looking for you, I'll tell him once I help you up,"
"I can do it myself,"

Logan wobbled up and leaned against a tree.
"Ready to walk?"
"Of course,"
"Go on then,"
Logan bit his lip and shuffled his good leg forward and putting all his weight on the tree.
"Need these?" he asked holding his glasses.
"I can get them myself,"

Logan slowly moved his bad leg and winced when he put it on the floor.
"This is taking too long," Roman groaned.

He walked over to Logan and carried him Prince-style™. He then placed Logan's glasses on him and smiled.
"W-Roman! Put me down!"
Roman laughed and ignored him.
"Could you hold this for me?" he asked, passing Logan the lantern.
"Are you you going to let me down?"
"Nope," he smiled.

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