Chapter Eighteen

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Roman watched the desk with tired eyes, hoping that a letter would appear. It hadn't been that long since he sent the letter, but to him every second felt like an eternity. He had ate all of the cookies: afterall, Patton was a great baker.

His eyes began to droop as he fought sleep when suddenly an electric blue light jumped onto the desk for a half of a second. The colour reminded Roman of Logan's eyes, which caused the aching in his chest to begin again.

However, the aching stopped as realisation hit him. He rushed over to the desk and saw the perfectly rectangular, perfectly written letter.

His hands trembled as he reached for it.

Addressed to:
                    Roman Sanders


He turned it over and carefully peeled the back up. It read:


Your letter was extremely vague but I shall answer your two queries.

One, I am well.

Two, it is enjoyable to not have to wear the coat all of the time and hide who I am.

I hear your coronation is in a few weeks, are you nervous? If you have any fears/doubts I would just like to remind you of how strong you are, physically and emotionally. If anyone can rule that Kingdom, it is you.

Best wishes,

Logan Stewards.

A small smile crept on his face. True, he used his surname as if they were complete strangers, but the fact that he cared about the coronation was enough to dilute the aching emptiness he felt.

But that happiness didn't last forever.
"He's not coming," he whispered.
With the way he made him cry the last time he saw him, Mark would never let him back.

And if Mark didn't have his suspicions that Roman still loved him, there was definetly some now.

Who else would spend a whole day with someone they hate, just to see the one they couldn't have smile? Who else would talk about them so passionately as if they were the centre of their world? Who else would curl up in a ball all day and cry their heart out when they found out they were moving?

It was as clear as day to Mark now: Roman loved Logan. But so did Mark. And as far as he knew, Logan loved him, not Roman. And Logan was a straightforward guy, if he loved Roman he would've said by now.

Plus Virgil said Roman had never felt that way about anyone before. That could mean a small crush, it doesn't mean Roman can't live without him.

And Mark has always believed that there was someone for everyone. Well he already had his someone, Roman just had to find his.

Sure, Mark liked Roman, but he had caused Logan a big deal of pain and he was now weary of him, even a bit angry. Maybe if he has forgiven him before the coronation they can go.

Roman still held on to that fragment of hope and began another letter immediately.


"Sup gurl,"
"Salutations," they huffed.
"Soooo, how are they?"
"Good, should be ready soon,"
"In time for the Prince's coronation?"
They smiled darkly,
"Perfectly timed."


Emma sat on her bed, bored out of her mind. She had pins and needles in her legs and her hands twitched. She fidgeted around bit couldn't get comfortable. Virgil had forbid her from working and she didn't really have much else to do.

She's never been payed, so she can't buy anything. She rarely had days off, so she never really had any friends. She has worked for all of her life, and though it was painful and tiring, at least it was something to do.

She was no good at drawing and didn't own any books. She did however have a diary that she sometimes scribbled in. It wasn't really interesting, just the average life of a housemaid. She wished there was excitement in her life, something to make her smile or write an interesting page in her diary about.

Virgil knocked on her door.
"Hey, Em, how are-"
"Fine, for the millionth time,"
"Whatcha doin'?"
"Nothing. Everything's so boring," she scowled.
He walked over to the bed and sat next to her.
"You can't think of anything to do?"
"What would you be doing right now if you weren't here?"
"Scrubbing floors,"
"And that's......better?"
She sighed,
"No. But I just wish for once something exciting would happen to me. Like a dragon would just fly in and take me somewhere filled with fairies or goblins or something,"

He bit his lip. Logan only allowed Roman and Patton to know because they were family. But then again, Logan wasn't here.....

He smiled,
"I've got something that's gonna make your day."


Logan excitedly opened the letter. It read:


I am very nervous for my coronation - weird for me. Hey I used a dash! Are you proud of me? A̶r̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶ s̶u̶p̶e̶r̶ a̶t̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ m̶e̶ r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ n̶o̶w̶? Do you want to answer more 'queries'?

-What's the magical world like?
-Do you know the dragonwitch?
-Is there more of your kind?

Best wishes,


He smiled at the chance to share his knowledge, even though the last question pained him. He got to work right away when Mark came in.

"Hey Lo,"
"Hello, Mark,"
"Whatcha doin'?"
"Writing what?"
"Nothing important,"
Mark then started the meal silently. If Logan wasn't going to talk, he wasn't going to make him.


Emma squealed.
"Heh, not a fan of the wings?"
"I am Virgil,"
"I've changed since them, Em,"

Virgil's voice softened.
"Emma, I swear it's me. When I left for five years I changed. But I'm still Virgil, I swear,"
She calmed herself down a bit, but she knew that she would scream if she spoke.
"I won't hurt you, I promise," he edged closer to her.
She stared at his wings in disbelief.

Her eyes shot to his face and she slowly opened her mouth.
"This is gonna take some getting used to,"

Aaaaaaand another chapter done! It's short, again, but I hope you guys liked it! As always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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