Chapter Three

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"Hey there gorgeous," Roman winked at Logan.
"I world prefer if you refrained from calling me that,"
"What do you prefer? Gorgeous, beautiful, sweetie-pie, honey, sugar-"
"How about my name?"
"Well in my head, your name is gorgeous, and I can see why,"
"Logan! Call me Logan! And refrain from flirting with me,"
"Playing hard to get just makes me love you even more, gorgeous,"
"Why thank you, you're pretty unbelievable yourself,"
Logan threw his hands in the air and stormed out, only for Roman to remember his question.

"Hey, Logan, wait!"
Logan stopped, happy he was being called his name, but didn't show it.
"Where's Virgil? He hasn't run off again, has he?"
Logan stared at him with a 'really?' look before answering with,
"He was feeing ill again, I have left him to rest."
"Ah," Roman replied.
"You know, he did not mean to leave for so long, he simply got lost, he loves Patton so much, it's incredible, he feels immensely guilty about it. So please don't be too harsh on him, he tries so hard to makes you like him,"

Logan then walked calmly out of the room, leaving Roman to his guilty thoughts.


"Virge?" Patton looked in his and Virgil's room, he wasn't there. He thought for a moment before going to Logan's room. He lightly knocked on the door.
"Did you require my services?" Logan asked from behind him, making him jump.
"Do you know where Virgil is?" he asked, spinning to face Logan.
"Indeed, he is in my room, but he is sick, he does not wish to contaminate you," he replied, lying once again.
"What about you?" he asked curiously.
"I have a very strong immune system, I will be perfectly fine,"

Patton looked disheartened and mumbled,
"Bye then. Tell him get well soon."
Logan looked at Patton trudge back downstairs, feeling the tiniest bit guilty.

"Salutations, Virgil,"
Virgil didn't answer.
"It is rude to not reply," Logan stated.
"Maybe I don't wanna reply to you, you're keeping me in here," Virgil muttered.
"It is not my fault you can not control your emotions,"
"But it's your fault this is ten times harder than this has to be! If I could just tell Patton-"
"No! The answer will always be no!"
Virgil swiveled around from the desk to face Logan.
"Patton isn't like her!"
Logan flinched at the thought,
"How do you know?! I thought I could trust her!"
"Patton isn't some greedy, power-hungry, red-headed-"
"ENOUGH! You are never to tell him! If he finds out I will not hesitate to kill him!"

Virgil froze. Logan never produced empty threats.
"I want what is the best for both of you, that is all,"
Virgil nodded,
"I...I understand."
Logan noticed the subject had to be changed and walked over to the desk Virgil was sat at.
"What were you doing?"
"Nothing!" he panicked, covering up his work.
"You were clearly doing something, Virgil,"
"I.......was drawing," he sighed.
"Drawing what?"
"Ah, him,"
Logan pulled up a stool and sat next to Virgil, hoping to understand the emotions Virgil was going though.

"What are you thinking right now?" he asked calmly, Virgil mostly felt safe and calm around him.
"I'm just thinking about the past," he mumbled, moving to the window seat.
"Everything. From the first time we said hello to the last time we said goodbye," he sniffed, pulling his knees up to his chest.
"Are you.....upset?"
He nodded.
"Do you wish to communicate?"
He thought for a moment.
"No," he whispered.

He rested his forehead on the cool glass and watched the rain trickle down, memories flooding his head.


"What did you want to tell me, Roman?"
Roman dramatically slid to the edge of the piano,
"I'm hopelessly in love~" he sang.
Patton gasped excitedly,
"Who?! The servant who-"
"Oooh, the man at the stall-"
"Nope," he smiled, "you'll never guess, Padre."

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