Chapter Eleven

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The four walked through the stalls while Patton babbled about nothing in particular, getting easily distracted by the different stalls and kind people.

Roman tried to follow along with Patton's nattering, the noises of the crowds interfering with his hearing.

Virgil listened closely to Patton - he was used to the noise of the crowds.

Logan's mind was wandering elsewhere, he thought the whole celebration thing was highly uncalled for.

Logan suddenly bumped into someone in a long hooded cloak.
"I am so terribly sorry sir," the figure apologised.
"It's alright," Logan replied, snapped out of his train of thought.

The figure slightly lifted his head up to reveal a pair of radiant red eyes.

Logan gasped.
Mark studied Logan's features for a second before exclaiming,

Mark wrapped his arms around Logan happily.
"I've missed you!"
"As have I, Mark," Logan smiled.
"So how is life as a human?"
"Not that bad, actually, I've taken on one of the orphans," Logan turned to gesture to Virgil, "this is Virgil."

"Hi," Virgil said nervously, his voice cracking.
"Salutations!" he said merrily.
"You sound like a chirpy version of Logan, I think we'll get along," Patton smiled.
"And you are?"
"Patton Sanders," Patton chirped, holding out his hand.

Mark shook his hand,
"The Patton Sanders? The Prince?"
"Yep," he smiled.
"Logan how do you know the Prince?!"
"He's Virgil's fiancé,"

Mark turned to face Virgil.
"Wow, one of us actually made it to royalty, good job, bud," he smiled.
Virgil smiled back,
"It's good up until you realise Roman's your brother-in-law,"

Mark then turned to Roman, in awe.
"You're the next in line to be King! And you know this nerd?" he asked.
"Yes," he replied dryly.
"That's so cool! So have you got a Prince or Princess yet?"
"I've got my eye on someone," he replied.
"I'm sure you'll get them, from what I've heard you're a real lady and man-killer,"

"So how do you know Logan?" he asked.
"Oh we go waaaaay back," he smiled.
Roman's jaw stiffened.
"Is that so?"
"Mhm, we grew up together in-" he paused and faced Logan,  "hey does he know?"
"So we grew up together in Stagrose, we were sort of secondary school sweethearts and we fought together in the war,"
"War? What war?"
"Ooooooh did you not tell him about the Dark Sides?"
"Mark, you are an idiot,"
"Who are the Dark Sides?" Roman demanded.

Logan sighed.
"Virgil go take Roman and Patton and tell them who the Dark Sides are while I catch up with Mark,"
"Oh I already know about them," Patton said.
"You what?!"

Virgil pulled both of them away before Logan could shout at them.

Mark took Logan's arm and pulled him through the stalls.
"So how've you been?"
"Fine, you?"
"I've been moving from place to place, not really settling down,"
"Do you still see anyone from Stagrose?"
"Just you......Speaking of you, are you involved with anyone?"

He thought about Roman. Sure, he made him laugh, he made him smile, they almost kissed. But Roman didn't want to be with him. Roman flirted with everyone.
"Neither am I," he smiled, "do you maybe wanna....go on a trip together? Just us, no-one else? I know this great place where we could catch up, maybe pick up where we left off? We never really broke up,"

Logan remembered the time before the war. Before Catherine. Before Roman. He was happy with Mark. Mark was never greedy to become a Dark Side. He was a good person. They were both the same. There was no secrets, no lies.

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