Chapter Seven

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Mention of death 💀
Small mention of bullying

"Logan, I swear you can trust him. He didn't freak out or ask for powers for himself or anything. You can count on him to keep this secret too,"
"I'm just being cautious, Virgil, try to see that,"
"By erasing his mind?!"
"Well what do you suggest we do instead?" Logan retorted, not raising his voice, his emotions still weren't under control from the night before, and he knew his anger would only lead to tears.

"How about we don't erase his mind and trust him,"
Virgil felt like jumping for joy and he let out a small squeak of excitement.
"Oh Logan thank you thank you thank you!" he embraced Logan tightly.
"Uh oh, I don't like that but,"
"If you tell him about the Dark Sides-"
"I won't, Lo, promise," he let him go and crossed his heart.
"You better not," he mumbled.

Virgil rushed to his room and burst through the door.
"Virgil!" Patton smiled,
"So what did Logan say?"
"You've gotta promise not to tell anyone, not even Roman, okay?"
Patton nodded,
"Will Roman ever find out?"

Virgil for once didn't have an answer. He was going to marry Patton very soon and Roman would be his brother-in-law. He would have to tell him some time, right?

And he was head-over-heels for Logan, but Logan was too stubborn to love him back - or at least admit to the fact he did love him back. But say he did win him over. Would he tell him?

"I....don't know. Sometimes I wish everyone knew, then I wouldn't have to hide who I am. But the attention I would get would be the death of me, you know how I feel about anything being about me," Virgil answered truthfully.
"Well I'm sure there's more people like you, right? So the attention could be diverted a little from you,"
Virgil bit his lip.

"There are more of you, right?"
"We don't really talk about that," he admitted, knowing the pain both him and Logan went through after that eventful day: though Logan was there to see it first-hand and the consequences altered Virgil's life completely.

"I won't pry," Patton said a little less merrily, not wanting Virgil to go through any trouble or pain explaining.

But once the thought was in his mind he couldn't get it out, he had to vent to someone. He sighed in defeat,
"I guess it wouldn't hurt you to know."
"Really it's fine, Virge, don't go through any trouble for me,"
"If your fiancé is a winged sorceror I guess you should know a bit about the history of them,"
Patton knew Virgil wasn't going to stop until he vented, so he let him continue.

"Fourteen years ago, when we were only but twelve, the peaceful, hidden village of Stagrose was attacked by....." should he tell him about the Dark Sides? Logan warned him not to. But what harm could it do?
"The Dark Sides, an evil version of us winged folk, and the whole village had to evacuate anyone under the age of sixteen. I was separated from my family and my mind wiped of any memory of magic, safely stored in De praetorium Memoriam - The Memorial Hall.

"Logan was seventeen at the time, so he had to stay and fight. He told me about it. Every detail without a single hesitation. The screams of sixteen and seventeen year olds, not having practised in the act of war, distressed cries of parents rushing their children to safety.

"Where the Dark Sides had a bigger army, the Light's had strength. They wiped out most of us, leaving only a handful - and the children they evacuated. We left only but one Dark Side, who's name is forbidden by Logan to ever speak.

"Logan had to leave the village of Stagrose and live as a human, thinking like all of the parents that their child would not come of age without the baptism on the first full moon of their twenty-first year on the planet - very precise, I know- but right after the first full moon, he grew terribly ill.

"He thought magic could undo it. He thought medicine would cure it. He didn't know what was happening to him. Then, a week later, he sprouted a glorious pair of wings, the top a midnight black, the bottom an electric blue. He was terribly confused. This shouldn't have happened."
"So why did it happen?" Patton asked like a child listening to a fairytale.
"Well, the baptism actually protected a person from the sickness and pain the full moon caused before our transformation instead of what we thought began it.

"Logan worried terribly for all of the children. He contacted all survivors and tried to get them to help the children before their secret was spread. Most were lucky," he took shaky breath,
"Some had to flee their town and seek shelter with the surviving adults. And others.......were killed."

He managed to choke the last sentence out.
"They thought we were.......demons,"
Patton gasped as he remembered his brother's use of the word when he first met Virgil.
"No-one came for me. I was left all alone, horribly bullied in the orphanage for my cursed eyes. I ran away, I hated every single one of them.

"Then I lived on the streets for a few years, got engaged to you and Logan took me. Any questions?"
Patton thought for a moment,
"So your parents-"
"-Died in the war,"
"You don't seem that upset,"
He shrugged,
"Memory earased, I have no clue what they were like."
"Aren't you just the slightest bit sad? Don't you believe they could've survived? How can you be so sure-"
"Where do you think I planned on going when I left the orphanage? I tried to look for them, I spent countless nights crying over them. I know they're dead. Logan knows who survived. They died protecting all of us, who knows what the Dark Sides could've done to you mortals."

That brought Patton to his second question.
"Who exactly are the Dark Sides?"
"The Dark Sides are either people like me gone bad, or mortals like yourself seeking power. If they are magic already, their wings weaken and loose most of their feathers and aren't much use. They form scales a few shades darker than their eye colour and their magic is the same colour as their eyes. Their mind is poisoned with dark and evil thoughts and have no sense of morality."

"And if they're mortals?"
"They aren't as powerful and have no experience in managing magical powers, meaning they are slightly weaker but still a threat,"

Patton sat to process the information he was just given, this was all so sudden. At least Patton knew his parents. He knew what they looked like, their laughs, their smiles, their voices. Virgil had none of that. He thrust his arms around the other and hugged him gently but closely.

Virgil's wall broke down and he let the tears pour. The only family he really had were Patton, Roman, Logan and him. He had lost everything and yet it was nothing at the same time. He thought it was silly to cry over someone he didn't even know ever existed, but he still cried into Patton's shoulder, not wanting ever to leave the embrace.
"T-thank you,"
Patton smiled and let a fee tears trickle down in sympathy for him,
"You're welcome, kiddo, love you"
"Love y-you too,"


Logan stared sadly at an old pocket watch with a picture of a beautiful woman on the left side. She had short flaming curls and shamrock green eyes, and the biggest, warmest smile Logan had ever known.

She had linen skin and wore a pale blue jumper. She was so sweet.
"Catherine," he whispered, "why did you have to do it?"

Aaaaaand another chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed it and learned a little more about Virgil and Logan's past! And as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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