Chapter Six

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"So what's it like being an alchemist?"
"It's......interesting. Though probably not as interesting as being a Prince," Logan wanted to divert the subject from him, he was too distracted to lie about his alchemy career.
"I guess...."
"Why so dismal?"
"It's just.......there's so much pressure on me....and no-one to help me through it. My parents are gone, the Kingdom thinks I'm a flirty idiot, and I'm a single 31 year old!"

"Roman, don't be ridiculous, you're more than that,"
"You're Patton's idol, he looks up to you a great deal. You are so so smart - I mean, just look at this Kingdom! It's peaceful and running smoothly. Your parents would be so proud of you,"

Out of instinct and pure passion, Roman leaned towards Logan, closing his eyes slowly. Logan's common sense was screaming at him to stop leaning forwards - he had already experienced heartbreak- but his thoughts were muted by Roman's irresistible beauty, and the hope that this would be different from last time.

Before be could close his eyes, Logan saw a figure outside the window. Wait, he thought, we're on the fifth floor. Is that-
"Virgil," he said, realising he was holding his breath.
"Nooo I'm Roman,"
Logan blinked and realised how close his face was to Roman's and he jumped back.
"I-um-have to g-go," he stood up and headed for the door.
"What? So soon? Was it something I said? Did?" Roman stood up, panicking slightly.

Logan's spun around, flustered.
"N-no, I left something boiling in my room, I need to sort it out,"
"It was me, wasn't it? Urgh! I'm so stupid!" he facpalmed.
Logan grabbed Roman's arms and pulled them down so Roman had to look at him.
"I'm telling the truth - alchemy problems. Trust me, this was fun," he rushed out of the room and into his own: he knew Roman would be watching him.

And Roman was watching him. In fact, even after Logan rushed to his room, his eyes froze on the door, his body a statue.
This was fun, Logan's voice repeated in Roman's head. Such a simple statement, yet it had so much meaning to him.


Logan slammed the door shut and saw Virgil panicking on his bed.
"What are you doing?! Are you trying to get our cover blown?! You can't just-"
"Help me now. Scold me later,"
Logan groaned,
"Fine. What's wrong?"
"Well I was showing my powers off to Patton-"
"Not important! Anyways, I was showing my powers off making snow and it got cold so I made a fire,"
"Did you barrier it?!"
"That's the problem....I couldn't. The whole garden is burning as we speak, you need to help me put it out,"
Logan furrowed his brow,
"So where is Patton?"
Virgil gasped,

He launched out of the window, racing to the garden. Logan followed swiftly behind expanding his glorious black-to-blue wings.
"Patton!" Virgil cried as he saw a small figure almost engulfed by the flames. He got ready to duck down but Logan put a hand on his shoulder.
"Think about this smartly, Virgil, your wings will get caught. Let me barrier it,"

Logan was much better at barriering fire - even when it was moving. He focused his hands on the flames closest to Patton and a blue wall protected the small Prince.
"Now go!"
Virgil raced down to Patton who was covered in ash and burns; he was unconscious.
"Patton! Oh God what have I done?!"

He carefully but urgently picked him up and flew out of the violet fire, a small part of his left wing catching the flame.
"Pat please be okay," Virgil whispered, holding him safely in his arms.

Logan then created a barrier around the outside of the flames, trapping it. He thrust his hands towards the purple flames and a gust of wind blew them out faster than they appeared. He took down the barriers and faced Virgil.
"Bring him back to my room, I shall look over him there,"
The two flew back to Logan's room, Virgil repeating, "Please be okay," urgently.


Logan got to work right away: and he had no problem scolding Virgil in the process.
"How could you be so idiotic?! I thought I taught you better than this! Honestly, either one of you could've died! And the tip of your wing is on fire! Put it out!"
Virgil patted the flame out obediently.

"There, I've done all I can do for now. We should let him rest. You're lucky he wasn't badly hurt,"
Logan started exiting the room but stopped when he noticed Virgil wasn't coming.
"Come on, Virgil, he won't disappear if you leave him for ten minutes, we need to check the damages,"
Virgil didn't respond.
"Virgil, I will not ask you again,"
His eyes were fixated on Patton.
"Get up and sort out the mess you've made, is that so hard?!"
Virgil didn't even flinch at Logan's raised voice.
"Answer me! Didn't your parents ever teach you to reply to someone after they ask you a question?!"

Virgil flinched and finally looked up to him.
"I-I didn't mean- it was a mistake," he stutered, realising what he had said.
"Didn't Catherine ever teach you to hold your tempter?" he replied, tears staining his alabaster cheeks.

Logan felt the tears pricking at his eyes at the mention of Catherine, and ran out of the room.
"Woah!" someone said as he bumped into them.
"M-my a-apologies," he stuttered, looking down.
"Logan? Are you okay?" the person asked.
Logan shot his head up.
"R-Roman! Oh y-yes I'm f-fine, some of the liquid g-got in my eye,"
"Do you take me for some kind of fool? What's wrong?"

"'s nothing r-really. I just....." I can't tell him, he thought, I need an excuse - and fast.
He wiped at his eyes behind his glasses,
"I was just thinking about the fire that broke out. Did you hear about it? Tragic. I hope no-one got hurt," he cried in the best act he could hold up.
Roman embraced Logan suddenly,
"I'm sure they're fine, I'll go check it out right now."
"Thank you," he breathed, fake gratitude in his voice.

Roman left swiftly and Logan ran into one of the guest bathrooms. He leaned against the sink and looked into the mirror.
"Logan get a hold of yourself. Look at you, crying, almost kissing a Prince, feeling," he said the last word in utter disgust.
"I promised myself this wouldn't happen again, don't let history repeat itself. And most importantly," he gripped the sides of the sink, "don't fall for his flirting. He doesn't love you."

He let a few more tears slide down his cheeks,
"No one does."


"Virgil?" Patton croaked.
"Patton! Oh God are you alright?!"
Patton looked at Virgil,
"With those wings I can't tell if I'm in heaven or not."
He laughed,
"I look nothing like an angel."
"Are you kidding?! Even before your wings I thought you an angel, and now," he shifted his eyes to Virgil's wings, noticing the singed feathers, "Virgil what happened?!"
"Patton don't worry about me, you've got burns all over you,"
"But your beautiful wings!"

Virgil kneeled down against the bed so Patton didn't have to strain his neck to look at him.
"Don't stress about me, silly, you need to rest,"
Patton intwined their hands and looked into Virgil's violet eyes,
"What did I do to deserve you?"
Virgil shook his head and smiled. How could Patton not be mad at him? Why didn't he run away screaming? Why wasn't he freaked out?

"Aren't you scared of me?" he squeaked.
"Of course not, you're my Virgil, my angel," Patton smiled, and Virgil leaned forwards to kiss his forehead.

Logan watched them from the doorway, a hint of jealously building up inside him.
No. He thought. I don't need love. I don't need anyone.

Aaaaand another chapter done! I guess I ended on a bittersweet note? Well, whatever it was, I hope you guys liked it! Sorry if it's a little short, I wanted to save some fun things for the next chapter. As always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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