Chapter Twelve

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"You're married?!" Patton exclaimed.
"Yes!" Logan said almost bursting with happiness.

Roman's eyes pricked with tears and his hands tightened around the flowers.
"So Roman what did you want to tell us?"

Roman's eyes shot to Logan's face. His throat became dry and a few tears trickled down his face.

Patton and Virgil gave him a sympathetic look. Logan and Mark gave him a puzzled look.

"I just wanted to tell you..." he looked how happy Mark and Logan were together, he had never smiled so much,
"I'm so happy you guys got together."

He wrapped his arms around the two and held in his tears.

He broke away after a few seconds and held the flowers out to them.
"These are for you guys,"
"Aw how sweet!" Mark smiled, taking the flowers in his hands.

Roman smiled the best he could manage, the tears threatening to spill.
"So you got married?" he asked.
"I don't usually do things like this but that week away just brought all of the memories back so we just decided to tie the knot, as you say,"

"That's great," Roman said in a hoarse voice. He needed to get out there: fast.
"Oh I just remembered I have this - um -  King thing to do, congrats on the wedding!" he ran off into the throne room.

He collapsed on the floor and cried and he never thought he would stop.

"Your majesty?" a soft voice called from above Roman.
"Y-y-yes?" he snivelled.
"Are you alright?"
"N-not entirely," he managed to lift his head up enough to see the small dark-haired kitchen maid.
"Do you need anything?"
"Emotional support, a new heart, a hitman, some tissues,"
"What was the third thing?"
"Nothing! Just g-get me some tissues, please......Emma, right?"
"Yes, your majesty," she smiled.
"Please, c-call me Roman,"


Virgil pulled Logan away from Patton and Mark.
"Logan are you crazy?!"
"What do you mean?"
"You married a guy you've known for a week!"
"I have known Mark since I was a child,"
"I thought you didn't want to be with anyone!"
"Mark is different! He is so sweet and unselfish. He would never pull a stunt like Catherine. I love him, Virgil. And now I am married to him,"

Virgil sighed. Logan was happy. Just because he wanted him to end up with Roman didn't mean he was going to.
"Well then, congratulations, I'll need to get you a wedding present,"
"That is not necessary,"
"It is tradition though,"
"We didn't exactly have the most traditional wedding, you know,"
"Please? It'll only be something small,"
"Fine," Logan sighed.


"Th-thank you, Emma," Roman snivelled.
"No problem, Roman," she smiled, "so what's got you so upset?"
"L-L-Logan got m-married,"
She gasped,
"To who?"
"S-some guy with the w-weirdest name I've ever h-heard,"
"It's not Virgil, is it?!"
"No! I-it's Mark!"
"That's not such a weird-"
Roman shot her a look.
"-what kind of name is Mark?"
"Well he's only known him for a week, how close could they be?"
"Th-they've known eachother s-since highschool,"
"....oh. Well I'm sure-"

Emma sighed.
"Sorry Roman, gotta go."

Roman got up after she left and walked into the market where he first saw Logan.

Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move

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