Chapter Twenty-Six

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Roman snorted.
"What kind of name is Bob?"
"You're one to talk, Patricia," Emma laughed.
"Let it go! It's not funny anymore!"
"Keep telling yourself that,"

Bob laughed his chesty grumble and leaned his head down to Patton.
"Yes, that's my fiancé,"
"Hi soon-to-be-cuz!" he smiled.
Bob spoke in dragon's tongue.
"He says 'hi'," Virgil explained.
"You can understand him?" Logan asked, his eyes glowing with a thirst for knowledge.
"When did you learn?"
He shrugged,
"Guess I was born with it."

He looked to Bob and then back to Virgil.
"So you can read each other's minds?"
"Yeah, he's one messed up guy," he laughed.
"Well he thinks about-"
"-no! I meant how can you read each other's minds?!"
"Oh......I don't really know. I guess it's a Stone thing,"
"Can you hear each other all of the time?"
"Only when he allow each other in. But if he shut me out, he wouldn't be able to hear me either,"

"I'd hate to be a party-pooper, but there's a war going on, can we just get the venom and leave?" Roman asked.
Bob nodded.

They didn't need to stand back since he was shrinking, but Virgil still wrapped his arms protectively around Emma and Patton.

Bob's dragon-body disappeared just as fast as it appeared, his clothes surprisingly still in tact.
"Okay, so you need the venom of a two-horned nightdweller. Well it's lucky you have me 'cause these guys are rare and dangerous if they don't know you. We'll get to them soon if we fly, but they only come out at night, obviously, so you can just hang here for a while,"
"Sounds fun!" Patton smiled.
Bob smiled at him,
"You're just a little ball of sunshine, aren't you, shorty?"
Patton giggled.

"Eventhough I already know your name, I should be polite. Bob Stone, and you are?" Bob held out his hand toward Emma in a flirty tone, sneaking in a wink.
She shook it and smiled,
"Not interested."
"Why? Got a boyfriend?"
"Can't a girl just say no without-"
His eyes flicked to Virgil's before looking back to her,
"-ew you like that scaley freak?"
"You're one to talk,"
"Ooooooooh," Roman whispered.

"Fair play,"
"I know,"
He laughed and shook his head,
"We're gonna get along well,"
"In your dreams, dragon boy," she replied, though he saw her smile afterwards.

She caught sight of a squirrel and scuttled off to observe closer. Virgil followed a few paces behind her.
"So, Bob, may I ask you some questions?"
"Sure thing, glasses,"
"Don't call me that,"


Emma was exhausted from climbing the trees and watching the animals, and Virgil refused to leave her side, so she snuggled up against him while leaning against a rock. He smiled at her while the moon rose.

"For a gay guy you sure are close to her," Bob said, suddenly lounging on a boulder.
"Oh do shut up,"
He laughed,
"Time to go, wake up your girlfriend."
Virgil rolled his eyes and gently shook Emma.
"Em, time to go," he whispered.
She slowly opened her eyes.
"Are we still in the woods?"
She shot up.
"So it wasn't a dream?!"
He smiled,

They walked over to the others. Patton was extremely excited, he had been talking to Bob about the dragons, and was no longer scared. Logan had recieved a lot of information and was now theorising about it. Mark was talking to Roman, asking him how he stayed so calm, and wanted to know how to ease his nerves.

"Let's go, losers," Bob ran forwards, jumping into the air and landing in his dragon form. He flattened his wings to his sides.
"He's offering you guys a ride,"
"I'm not saying no to that!" Patton smiled. Roman had to admit, he was intrigued. He followed behind Patton.
"Sounds fun!" Emma smiled.

The three carefully climbed on Bob's back while the others took their coats and cloaks off.

Then they began to fly. Emma had never felt so alive. The way the wind blew her hair. The way the clouds were so close. The way she could see the the tops of the trees and mountains. The way the moon changed the colours of everything, transforming the forest into a completely different world.

She reached her hand up and felt the cloud above her. It was wet, but soft in a way. She laughed and lifted both arms to her side, letting the breeze attack her.

Patton enjoyed the experience. He giggled and liked the way his hair went crazy. He liked being high up. He was closer to his parents that way.

Roman would never admit it, but he was a little scared of heights. Bob flew higher than the others, and that unnerved him a bit. But it was nice seeing Patton happy......happier. And of course he loved seeing Logan smile while he flied. Plus, he loved what the wind was doing to his hair.

"Here we are," Virgil translated for Bob,
"The home of the dragons."

Virgil and Logan had only saw the tip of the iceberg five years ago. There were only a handful of dragons. This place was decorated with plants no-one had ever heard of, and filled with an array of dragons never wrote about.

Whereas most of them were asleep, there were a few dragons that were roaming through the forest.

Nests were bulging with eggs of all colours and sizes, which caused Roman to think of his bird friends. The chicks were due in less than a week.

Patton had a need to protect all of them. All of them. For once, Roman didn't hate dragons. He wasn't scared of dragons. He saw the families of them. They weren't so bad. He smiled. Mark had seen dragons before, but not to this scale. His eyes flicked to every single one of them. Logan looked to the plants, the unnamed dragon species. He would neame them all. He would be famous. Virgil gasped as he saw them. He loved dragons. And this place had stayed uncovered from civilisation for a long time, hiding the beautiful creatures. Emma was brought to tears. This was what she wanted: an adventure. Something she had never seen before. Something that was special. Something that proved that the world wasn't so boring and dark and that it was beautiful and full of possibilities. And she has always needed that. Well, ever since she was six. But she doesn't like to talk about that.

"We'll find them here. But we can't have weapons," Virgil translated, looking towards Roman. He saw Emma.
"Em, are you okay?" his voice was heightened with worry.
"Never better," she whispered, mesmerised by everything surrounding her. The fireflies, the plants, the dragons. The tears rolled down her cheeks. This was an adventure she never wanted to end.

Aaaaaaand another chapter is done! Once again, nothing happened, but there was Emma floof, so what's not to like? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always,

Peace Out Homesickles!

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