Chapter 22: Surprise leads to a New Beginning

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Palak was shocked to find a short burly man with a register enter their home behind Ritwik. She wondered what kind of photo shoot this would be without cameras and equipment. He greeted Geeta as Ritwik introduced them and sat in the drawing room.  

Palak and Ritwik Registered Marriage

At this point Ritwik announced to Palak and her parents that while they had gotten married 18 months ago in a formal ceremony; their marriage was not registered. Today Mr Batra who is from the local registrar office and a relative of Geeta's lawyer in Delhi will register their marriage based on the photographs of the earlier ceremony. He took out the photographs, showed the video to Mr Batra and submitted their identity documents for verification. Palak was dumb founded since this was the last thing she expected. Her hands trembled while signing and Ritwik had to hold it for her to be steady. All the three witnesses ; Geeta ; Manjeet and Palak's dad signed one after the other blessing both of them towards a life of happiness, peace and prosperity.  Geeta and Manjeet insisted that they exchange garlands again much to their embarrassment as Geeta went about clicking pictures. The girls found it very amusing and jumped on their parents trying to grab the flowers. Ritwik planted a kiss on Palak's forehead while they held Rhea and Piya in their arms. 

Manjeet pranced around the room at this sudden happiness getting sweets ready for everyone.  Mr Batra left them in a happy mode assuring to send across the document in a week's time. Palak could not meet Ritwik's gaze and felt like a shy bride and Ritwik enjoyed watching her turn crimson. Then Geeta gifted jewelry and clothes to Palak and her company's shares to Ritwik and Palak. She insisted that Ritwik own the shares and be the support system for Vikrant as an older brother. Just then a police van with a siren passed by and Ritwik asked Manjeet if she had called the police this time too leaving her completely embarrassed.

The 7 Vows of a Marriage Redone:

Ritwik wanted them to take a few vows before their parents and asked for Palak's permission and she nodded with a slight tilt of her head.

I Ritwik Noon will be a better father than my forefathers have ever been :) 

I Ritwik Noon will not do anything to annoy my wife so that she does not leave me for my good; She can show me her shoe collection if need be but always remain by my side.

I Ritwik Noon will be a social drinker with my wife's permission and winked at Palak saying your wish will be my command

I Palak Noon will share the minutest detail with my husband Ritwik Noon and not let misunderstanding creep into our lives  with a smirk asking Palak to repeat it and she obliged.

It was Palak's turn and she started off with

I Ritwik Noon will not lean on my Ma,Mom, Mumma and Dad to seek advise about my married life; and Ritwik repeated with a chuckle looking at Geeta and Manjeet who burst out laughing.

I Ritwik Noon will not spoil my daughters' materially and emotionally in the name of gifts and freedom ; he repeated hesitatingly looking at Piya and Rhea

I Palak Noon will give utmost priority to my daughters and will never ever keep them away from their father's love. 

Everyone clapped and so did Rhea and Piya not understanding what was going on. They had just witnessed their parents remarriage and many years later the video and photos that Geeta captured would be a moment for them to cherish. 

Family Time 

Ritwik ordered food from the local restaurant and the entire afternoon was spent in conversation with Geeta sharing interesting details about Ritwik's childhood. There was much laughter and happiness but Geeta felt a niggling pain and wanted to rest. Palak noticed her discomfort and forced her to lie down in her parents room. Geeta held Palak's hand and assured her that with the marriage now completely legalized, she did not have to bother about the Noons and should live with her head held high. Ritwik is emotional and lives from his heart she said and only she Palak can put a brake on him and ensure he thinks from his head when required specially when it comes to the Noons. 

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