Fun Games (fluff)

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I was just in my room playing on my gearboy, while Gizmo laid beside me. It was a typical afternoon, dad was out and I was stuck at home taking care of everything. But there was barely anything to take care of besides Gizmo and myself.
I got a game over and I sighed. I tossed my gearboy onto my pillow and laid down on my bed, gaining my cats attention. I looked at him and he closed his eyes and laid his head back down.
"Gee, I'm glad you love me." I said sarcastically. I laid there for five minutes before I heard my walkie talkie go off with Larry's voice.
"Hey SallyFace." It buzzed. I sat up and grabbed it.
"Sup LarryFace." I answered happily, hoping he had something to do on this boring Saturday afternoon.
"You wanna come to the treehouse? Thought you could come hang out." He suggested.
"I thought you'd never ask. I'll be there in ten." I told him and quickly put the walkie talkie down and basically almost ran to the elevator. I put the keycard into B and went down to the basement. I quickly walked in saying a quick hello to Lisa before going into Larry's room and going out through the back. Then I ran down to the treehouse and began climbing the woods planks that were nailed into the tree.
I poke my head in and saw Larry sitting on the floor. A smile grew onto his face when he saw me.
"SallyFace!" Larry exclaimed.
"LarryFace!" I said very hyper and climbed all the way up. "I'm glad you asked me to hangout. My dad is out and I had nothing to do."
"It's no problem, dude." He told me. "Besides, I don't have anyone else to play boring board games with. My mom insisted I do this with you." I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, sitting myself crosslegged in front of him.
"Well it's better than me being bored to death at home." I said. "What games do you have?"
"Only one I thought was fun. And my own I store up here." He said and brought out two boxes. "One is twister. And the other is the ouji board." He wiggled his fingers spookily to make it seem scary. I rolled my eyes and we both decided to play twister first, because we wanted to keep the 'fun' for last.
We played it for a while until we were in the most awkward position. I didn't care because I wanted to win, but Larry was losing his balance.
"Just let me win Larry. You won't last." I snarked evilly.
"Never." He smirked and reached over, so I took the change and tickled him. He tried to hold it in but burst out laughing and fell on top of me. I'm glad I was wearing my mask, or Larry would see my blushing face. "Fuck sorry man." Larry quickly got off of me, and I thought I could see a blush on his face but I shook it off.
Larry doesn't like guys I'm pretty sure. I've known him for a long time and he's never been open about his sexuality. So I guess I don't really know.
"Anyway, let's see if this fucking thing works." Larry brought out the ouji board and placed in into between us.
"This is probably bullshit, dude." I told him as I placed my hand on the triangular piece.
"Well your the one who believes in ghosts, man." Larry snickered. "Ask the void something or whatever it is." I thought for a moment.
"Is anyone here?" I asked. The piece moved to the 'yes' on the board. I looked up at Larry and saw his face.
"Dude, there's something here." He whispered. I nodded questioningly.
"Can you show yourself?" I asked. The piece moved to the 'no'. "Well now what do you want to do?" I became a little impatient and looked up at Larry who was staring at me. I raised a brow a little confused. "What?"
He pointed down at the board and I watched at the piece moved.
I. W. A. N. T. T. O. D. O. Y. O. U.
I blushed massively and took my hand off the piece covering my eyes in embarrassment. I couldn't believe what he had spelled and I didn't know what to say.
"Sal?" Larry questioned. "Did I do something wrong?" I shook my head and felt him take my hands and pry them away from my eyes. "I actually wanted to say that I liked you. But I guess that was a stupid way to put it." He chuckled as I laughed at him. I couldn't stop laughing for his stupid confession, and I don't know why.
"Stop laughing man." He pouted. "It's not that funny." I finally stopped laughing and lifted my mask up. I got close to him.
"I'm sorry, Lar." I whispered and pressed my lips against his quickly before pulling my mask back down over my face. His expression was surprised and happy.
He looked down at me and smiled, then tackled me into a hug.
"Does this mean you like me too?" He asked looking at me like a puppy. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him once again.
"Did Lisa tell you to confess to me?" I asked him. He was silent.
"...yes." He answered. I giggled as he buried his face into my neck.
"At least you told me." I said. I hummed and got up, then brought me onto his lap wrapping his arms around me, then kissed my cheek.
"I love you, Sal."
"I love you too."

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