Love Letter (fluff)

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I woke up to my alarm, and looked over to shut off my alarm before rising up from my pillow. I yawned and walked out into the bathroom, shutting the door and seeing myself in the mirror. My hair was up in all different places and it kinda freaked me out at first.
I brushed my hair and decided to put it in a bun today, I grabbed my elastic and pulled my hair into a bun then wrapped the elastic around the ball of hair. It was messy but it'll work.
I looked over and picked out my blue glass eye and washed it before putting it in my eye socket. I blinked a few times and looked in the mirror to see it was in.
I brushed my teeth then went back to my room where I put on ripped black leggings, a Sanity Falls shirt then a grey hoodie. I grabbed my prosthetic and buckled it on. I packed my bag and checked on dad to see he was sleeping soundly in bed. I fed Gizmo and left to go down to Larry's.
As I went down, I checked the time to see if it was still good to wake him up. I walked out and knocked on the door, where I was greeted by Lisa. She smiled and let me in.
"Goodmorning Sal. Larry's still sleeping, I'll make you two some breakfast." I nodded and put my bag down on the couch and went into Larry's room.
I walked over to his bed and sat cross legged, looking at his sleeping face.
"Wake up idiot." I said smacking him. His eyes fluttered open and he lifted his head to see me.
"What time is it?" He asked sleepily.
"It's seven thirty. Now get dressed so we don't miss the bus." I told him and stood up.
"Mm nope." He said rolling over to the other side of him bed. I sighed and tried to pull him off his bed but it was no use.
"Come on you big metal head, let's go." I groaned lying on top of him. "I'm gonna smack you even harder in the head."
"Go ahead. Try me shorty." He smirked. I got up and went into the kitchen.
"Mind if an borrow this Lisa?" I asked holding a giant pan. She shook her head smiling and I walked back it o Larry's room waving the pan in front of him. "He winds up the swing, hoping to get a reaction before he hits." I held up the pan swinging it hoping to get good aim. "He pulls back and-"
"Okay! Okay! I give! I give!" He shrieked and jumped out of bed, grabbing the pan before I swung. I smirked under my mask.
"Now get dressed or I actually will hit you with this." I warned before leaving his room and putting the pan back.
"I heard he got up." Lisa said.
"Yep. Up and getting dressed." I told her happily. She smiled and it was quiet before Larry walked out in jeans, his brown Sanity Falls shirt and his normal red hoodie. I noticed his hair was tied in a high pony tail.
"Morning." Lisa greeted to her tired son. She took out two plates and set them on the counter. We sat down and she gave us our plates with pancakes. "Alright I have to head out. You boys have fun at school." She kissed the both of us on the cheek and said goodbye. I took the syrup and poured it on top of my pancakes then handed it to Larry who did the same.
I unbuckled my mask and placed it to the side and began to eat. Lisa's cooking was great and I loved it.
"We better hurry. Just so we don't miss the bus." I quickly scarfed down the rest of my pancakes and picked up my bag. Larry finished his pancakes and grabbed his bag, and we left and went to wait for the bus.
I started tapping my feet as we waited and sometimes would look at Larry. I don't know why but I might like him.
The bus soon showed up and we went to the back sitting down and I stared out the window. We started moving and I watched as the apartment building got smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it anymore. I heard a little bickering and looked over to see Larry holding up the middle finger and growled lowly.
"What's wrong man?" I asked him and he looked at me as I put a hand on his shoulder. He shook it off and smiled at me.
He was quiet the rest of the way to school and we got out once we made it. I noticed he was a little more fidgety and worried about something.
"Dude what's wrong. There's obviously something up." I told him but he again shook it off as it was nothing. I didn't question him about it again, I knew I wouldn't get anything out of him. I got my books and shit and headed to class.
I sighed when class started and it was time for hell to begin. The bell rang and I sat down in my seat, beside Todd.
"Todd, do you know what's up with Larry?" I asked and he shook his head. I groaned, then our teacher walked in.
I couldn't concentrate on work. All I could think about was Larry acting strange, and it was boggling my mind. That's when I remembered him smiling, and laughing with me, and head banging.
I smiled under my mask, and felt my face heat up. After she handed us the work we had to do independently, I raised my hand.
"Yes Sally?" She questioned.
"May I go to the bathroom?" I asked and she nodded, returning back to her work and I quickly got up and left. I unclipped my mask and rubbed my forehead, feeling my burning face.
I went over to my locker and opened it to see a letter inside. Only my friends can get into my locker.
I opened the letter and read it. It was very cheesy and I recognized the handwriting, that's when I saw Larry walking up to me without seeing me as he was looking at something in his hand.
He looked up and instantly blushed seeing the letter in my hand and me staring at him with a smile.
"You wrote this?" I asked. "Is this what you were anxious about?" He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded slightly.
"I wanted to tell you but, I couldn't." He said. I remembered the thing in his hand and out the letter in my locker.
"What's in your hand." I questioned him closing my locker. He looked down at his left hand and hid it in his pocket.
"It's nothing really." He told me. I walked up to him and put my hand in his pocket bringing his hand out. He opened his hand for me to see a small figure of me. "I made it in art. It was a project we had to do and I got an A+ for it." It looked exactly like me and I loved it.
"It's awesome dude!" I told him smiling wide. He smiled along with me and hugged me. "I love you too Larry."
"I love you Sally." He kissed me on the cheek and soon we were caught by teachers and were told to go back to class.

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