Whats Wrong With You? (Angst)

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Larry and I are very close. We have been for the past few years, but something changed in him. He started smoking and drinking more regularly, and it's become a habit. I've been getting worried about him and his health.
"Larry are you alright?" I asked him finally.
"What do you mean?" I looked at him, taking off my prosthetic.
"You've been drinking and smoking more often." I told him. "Do you not care about yourself? Or me for what could happen to you." He looked at the bottle he was holding then at me.
"Sorry Sal, I just...I can't stop." He answered sadly. That was the last time we talked for a while. He never answered my calls, my texts, my emails. Every time I went to hid apartment Lisa would always tell me that he's busy or not there at the moment. I could tell that she was worried too and wanting me to barge in and tell him off.
But I never did. That is...
TallAss Larry: Hey Sal. I know I haven't been completely honesty with you, but I'm sorry
I'm not coming back.
My eyes widened in horror. I tried calling him, tears streaming down my face, my prosthetic off as it became wet and uncomfortable underneath. He didn't answer. I tried again and again but he never answered.
"Fuck." I whispered in sobs. I threw my phone and ran out of my apartment and down to Lisa's. I barged in and ran to Larry's room and looked around, scanning for any sign of Larry.
"Sally, what's wrong?" Lisa asked her hands clasped together on her stomach. She was trembling.
"I...I don't know where Larry is. He...He said he's n...not coming back." I told her and looked back at her. Her eyes were full of tears and I gave her a hug. "I'll find him." I ran out back and to the treehouse, then climbed up only to se Larry on the floor his neck bleeding out.
I put pressure on his neck and screamed for Lisa. She quickly came out and I told her to call 911. She did and the ambulance was on it's way.
"Larry you fucking asshole, don't you dare leave me alone." I cried. "Please don't. Not like my mom." The paramedics took Larry away and kept pressure on his neck. "I can't leave him! Please let me go with you!" Lisa held me back as I struggled to go with them.
"Sir, we will try everything we can to make sure he's ok." One of them told me. "Now what's your relationship with him?"
I paused and took a few breaths.
"He's my boyfriend."

A week had past and I hadn't heard anything from the hospital, or Lisa about Larry. I've been having panic attacks and massive break downs. I haven't got any sleep and I haven't eaten. My dad tries to get me to east and tries to calm me down but it was no use.
My arms were filled with old and new cuts every day, I was so paranoid and I was worried as all hell.
"Sal? Bud?" My dad opened the door to my room as I sat in the corner of my room coming back and forth. "Hey, Lisa just came by. She told me that Larry is alright." I looked up. "Wanna go see him?" I stood up and bolted out the door and out to the car. I watched as my dad jogged down to the car and got in the drivers side.
"Hurry! Hurry!" I told him and he we were soon on the road to the hospital.
We made it and I ran in. "Larry Johnson!" I almost yelled and the nurse told me his room number and I bolted down the hall to his room.
I found the room and walked in slowly, and saw him laying there with an IV in his hand and a tube going to his lungs to held him breath. His neck was bandaged. I sat down beside him and took his hand, holding it tight.
He was asleep and I was glad. Because he needed it, more than me.
"You scared me have to death man." I said knowing he probably couldn't hear me. I chuckled as I wiped away tears. "I might have died actually. But I haven't, yay me." He was unresponsive, but his breathing was normal.
I sighed and decided I'd take a little nap since I haven't slept in the past week. I was about to close my eyes when I felt his hand hold mine. I just stared and looked up at the brunette who was smiling. His eyes were red and puffy.
"You dumbass." I began to cry. "Don't you dare try that again." I leaned on him still sitting on the chair. He began to play with my hair with his free hand.
"I won't." His voice was very quiet and raspy. "I'm sorry."
" I love you, you idiot." I told him. "Don't speak, I know you love me too." I heard him chuckle and I soon fell asleep.

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