Third Drizzle

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Sehun's kisses are soft and sweet. He kissed you passionately, and you could feel his love through the kiss.

His large palms caressing your cheek gently while kissing you, making you feel warm and secure. Your hands placed on his chest automatically, and you could listen to his rapid heartbeat.

You couldn't pull away from the kiss, it was so addictive. Instead, you would like to feel him more, to taste him more.

But when Sehun suddenly kissed you more deeply, licked and sucked your lower lip, used his tongue to meet yours, your senses came back. Suddenly your parents and friends images appeared in your brain,

and his image as well.

So you pulled out from the kiss, only met with the confused Sehun with furrowed eyebrows.

"Umm...I'm a bit tired...let's continued next time..." you said timidly, you didn't dare to look at him directly with your flushed face.

Sehun chuckled at your cuteness. How can he resist you when you are the most important person to him? He is willing to wait for you despite how long it will take, as long as you're with him. Furthermore, he was touched because you still want to continue.

He covered the blanket on you tightly, didn't want you to catch a cold. Then he kissed your forehead before whispered huskily, "Sleep well, my baby, for the energy to continue afterwards."

You blushed and stiffed.

Oh, how can you have a good sleep when you've already turned on by his words?

Your lips curled upwards automatically when you saw the rose.

You love them, because they are your family, that's why you visit the garden every day just to watch them, talk to them and take care of them.

You smiled contentedly as you were grateful for some of them were now a bud.

"Nice to see you enjoy the garden. Sehun has done a great job for sure."

You turned around in surprise, then smiled to welcome the visitor, "Hi, Suho."

"They are beautiful, right?" He looked at the roses and returning the smile.

"Indeed, they surely are." You looked at them dreamily while using your fingertip to trace the blood-red petals' pattern softly.

"He always tells me how much you have loved rose since you were small."

You stopped your movement with the rose petal. Thus, you looked from the rose to him in curiosity.

"He fell in love with you when the first time he saw you. You were looking at the rose attentively at that time, then he thought you're charming because......"

You blinked, tried to absorb the information he told.

"Because your eyes will sparkle whenever you look at them."

That took you by full surprise since you remembered Sehun had told you this before.

"But...why can't I remember? I'm sure I didn't know him before I married him."

"Of course you couldn't remember him." He grinned. "You were just a toddler back then."

If someone else were telling you this, you surely wouldn't believe anything. But this is Suho, he is like a big brother to you and is trustworthy enough. So, you couldn't help but believe him. Yet the fact of Sehun loved you since you were very small overwhelmed you.

☑️My Love For You Is Incurable│OSHWhere stories live. Discover now