[M] Seventh Prevailing Wind

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You've woken up by some groaning sound.

You tried to figure out the source of the sound through your sleepy state. The room was dark as it was late at midnight.

You made a small smile when you looked at the man who was sleeping beside you, the moonlight that shone on his face made him extra handsome, not to mention cute also.

However, your smile faded as you saw the man beside you has furrowed eyebrows and he breathed rapidly......

You were fully awake now because of the newly formed worry has taken over your sleepiness.

*Does he having a nightmare?* You bit your lips. So, you immediately got up to try to wake him. You automatically placed one of your hands on his chest in order to calm his breath, another one on his thigh to check him.

Didn't know it was fortunate or not, you blushed like no tomorrow and stopped all the movement once your hand brushed something hard on there unintentionally.

*Seems like this guy is having a very nice dream instead.* This time, it was you who furrowed your eyebrows.

You tried to get back under the cover and sleep, but when you close your eyes, all you could see was the arousing image that you saw earlier, the fully furrowed eyebrows, the sexy lips that partly opened in order to breathe rapidly...... and, the sexy moan he let out was definitely not helping at all.

*Damn.* You mentally cursed.

Another three months have passed since you and Sehun's first time.

Sehun is crazy, when he was in the mood, (which is always) he could make love to you non-stop during the whole night, resulted you always couldn't walk for the whole week and Sehun was gladly carried you here and there by himself.

Little did you know your touch is Sehun's weak spot, which could make him goes over the edge easily, that's why he craves to feel your touch so much.

He knows that he should be satisfied, but when he saw you, he would like to touch you; when he touched you, he would like to kiss you; when he kissed you, he would like to feel you, then make love to you.

Call him crazy or have a mental problem, but that's the effect you have on Sehun.

Who said God couldn't be greedy? When it comes to you, he could never get enough of you. So, don't curse him for already doing you nearly every night but still has wet dreams about you, it's not like Sehun could help it.

Hey! You never initiated to touch his god-like body! (Of course, he is a God.) Do you know how much it hurts Sehun's self-esteem that he nearly thought the body of his is not appealing enough for you?

And he would get sad about it.

During these months staying with him, you figured out your husband Sehun is a man who might have a mature and serious appearance outside, but a child's heart hides inside his body. Sometimes he can be really child-like because he is very resistant to get the thing he wants......which made you have many sleepless nights.

However, Sehun would never force you to do things that you didn't want to.

Maybe that's also one of Sehun's charms.


I didn't know what happened but Jinhee suddenly appeared in front of me, naked. I gulped; no other living things could compare with her beauty.

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