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*Before you read this chapter, I strongly recommend you guys to binge reading the story from start to finish for a better experience as every little detail is interconnected in the whole story! :) *


This chapter is divided into 5 parts.

1) Author's note

2) Favourite Comments

3) Story Explanation

4) Future Plans for this Story

5) Other New Stories 


Part 1) Author's note

'My Love for you is Incurable' finally comes to its end! Thank you for taking time to read this. This is my first time writing this kind of theme so it worried me a lot ever since I published the first chapter 6 years ago. I wrote this story since 2013, I don't know how many of you are still here with me from the start, if you do, please do comment to tell me :) 

This story was never easy for me to write, in these six years of writing the story, I encountered countless self-struggles because I couldn't help but thought my writing was absolutely rubbish compared to the writings from the native English speakers.

I was having zero confidence in myself in last year when I picked up this story to write again, so I found someone to beta read my story's grammar for me. And here, I would like to shout out to Maya and Faedra, thank you for all the help, I know it took lots of time for doing this T_T 

But afterwards, I felt having someone to beta read my story didn't do much to me. Instead, it aggravated the doubts about myself. I was having even less confidence in myself, I started to afraid of posting the updates, and started to be afraid of writing. And that time was also the darkest time of Hong Kong (you can check my blogpost if interested). I was not in a stable emotional state.

So I stopped writing again. 

But it wasn't right.

Thinking about why I started writing six years ago, my intention was simple — I just want to express my love to the idol.

Embracing the thought, I write again. And this time, I broke through my psychological barrier as I stopped getting any help from beta reading my story. So I could only keep learning and improving myself. In the process, I learnt to accept my imperfections. 

And I made it, because I finished this story after so, so long! T_T 

All your responses were the one that helped me to keep going. I hope you enjoy reading this, although half of the story is depressing, haha.

But this story is so important to me because it witnessed the darkest stage of my life. It is my safe haven after my father died, its importance probably exceeds my personal understanding. So, I actually cried like Jinhee when I was writing the ending...

Talking about the ending, I flooded you guys with lots of fluffiness in the last chapter! You guys told me in the comments that you've done crying of the story... Okay, so I made you smile! (It's definitely NOT because of me also found the story too depressing when I reread it myself...cough cough) 

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