[M] Tenth Jet Stream

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- With eyes covered, like that

Hearts of each other that are shut tight

It struggles to look away -

Sehun was so mesmerized by your beauty.

Your eyes twinkled brighter than the stars formed by the fireflies.

Your aroma smelled more tantalizing and sweeter than vanilla.

Your voice sounded more melodious than a nightingale.

Your facial features viewed more gorgeous than Pandora, purer than an angel.

Your body's ratio reckoned more golden than Venice, hotter and more seductive than a demon.

You are the combination of angel and demon.

You are his Goddess.

- Ah, burning deep inside
As if it will split, I am getting breathless
I am thirsty
Pouring this one glass full
As if it will overflow
This dangerous night, I -

When he crashed his lips to yours, you thought you were in heaven, but yes, you were actually in a rose garden from paradise.

Although it was not the first kiss that you two shared, you still didn't get used to it.

It still felt so magical, so surreal. You felt all the love from the world when his lips moved against yours. Those plump, pink, kissable lips will only work magic for you in the world.

Then suddenly all your senses were highlighted.

You were in a trance.

The wind breeze was as soft as the padded blow of a cat's paw; the rich, dark smell of earth, and the stronger, soapy scent of night-blooming roses, like Michelangelo Rose, Winchester Cathedral, Black Baccara... Different thin, exuberant rose petals reflected the moonlight and the sparkes from the fireflies, like a plant bearing a star-shaped yellow blossom whose petals were medallioned with golden pollen.

Your body had been electrified.

The taste of his delicious lips capturing yours, the strange feeling of the electricity flowed in a circuit between your heart and stomach every time he touched your skin, the appetence for feeling the connection between you two were so strong.

You two were just inseparable.

The night was yours; nothing could stop you two.

You didn't know when your clothes are all gone, you just know both of you are embracing each other in a sitting position, hands roaming on each other, lips still connecting in a battle, desperately feeling one another's touches like your life depends on it.

You moaned out loud when he moved on to your neck, his mouth sucking and licking on the mark located between your collarbone and neck. You knew that's the place Sehun loved to kiss the most, apart from your lips, because it was the mark where shows you were his.

So, you grasped at Sehun's smooth hair unconsciously, unable to handle the feelings. And Sehun seemed to feel your thoughts although it was also so difficult for him to handle himself under the enchantment of yours.

He was nevertheless holding both of your delicate cheeks into his large and warm palms, gazing at your eyes deeply with his dark orbs, unconcealed all the love and desire towards you, handling like you were the most valuable and fragile treasure in the world.

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