[M] Nineteenth Monsoon

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The song of the chapter: Chen () - Portrait Of You ( 그리다)


If it is a dream, you should wake up.

All the longing and excitement had transferred to the tightness of the hug. He hugged you with great force, and his arms around your shoulders were trembling.

This was the moment he had been waiting for.

So long. 

At that moment, his arms squeezed a fraction tighter, your body melting into his arms as every muscle lost its tension to the twilight wind.

It was too good to be true.

It was a dream felt like an alternate reality with embracing your favourite past,

with the most familiar warmth;

with the most familiar heartbeats;

with the most familiar breeze;

and the most familiar him.

As if a switch had been turned on and all motion ceased, you cried out loud like a child.

When you cried, there was a rawness to it, like the pain was still an open wound.

Crying out all of the grievance, heartbreak, despair, which you were not able to vent in these three years.

Your body shook as you sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching him tightly as if he was going to be disappeared again.

He held you in silence, rocking you slowly, allowed your tears soaked his chest.

His hand stroked from your head to your back,


and again.

And each stroke healed your wounded heart bit by bit.

It was too good to be true.

A tiny lapse let you pulled away from him a little, blinking lashes heavy with tears.

His hair was in silver, the same colour as the ribbon of your rose bouquet.

A tiny scar appeared on his right cheek, but his handsomeness did not fade.

Getting him back made you realized how important he meant to you, and you couldn't imagine a life without him anymore.

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