Twelfth Downpour

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"Baek." You looked at the man who was standing in front of you, his appearance didn't change at all. 

"It's been so long since I saw you." you gave him a small smile. 

Finally, you feel better because at least you have someone that you are familiar with, in this world.

But what he said was totally out of your expectation.

He rolled his eyes but chuckled nevertheless, showing his rectangular smile, "That's funny, we just separated with each other for a couple of hours since breakfast this morning."

He was still the same, still carrying the sarcasm around him.

So, it seems Jongin transported you to the time when nothing has happened.

Seeing your frozen figure, he said, "Come on, let's buy groceries for mum and get some fresh air!"

Everything was the same.

It was like you never left.

You walked behind him as he led you to walk across the familiar path to the grocery store.

It was a habit of him, he always likes to walk in front of you, leading you the way, and you used to follow behind him.

He was once the light you traced in your darkest time.

You originally thought you might be in tears after you saw Baekhyun. 

But you did not. 

You thought you would be so touched after seeing him.

But no, you're just happy to see him.

Before you love Sehun, you didn't know what love is. You thought what you feel for Baekhyun was love because you enjoy his company.

But love is intoxicated.

Love is ecstasy.

Love is Sehun.

You followed Baekhyun, he led you passed through the crosswalks, across the street. You looked at the scenery surrounding you, the house and the road look familiar but strange to you at the same time. 

Strangely, there's not a single trace of wind. 

You wonder where the wind goes.

Where Sehun is.

How's Sehun doing.

"Why are you keep spacing out? We arrived at the grocery store." Baekhyun's words broke your daze.

So, you followed him inside the store, that's what you two do a lot in the past. 

But everything was not the same right after you went inside. 

The place stocked with an excessive abundance of goods, which gave you a sense of unease and restlessness that conveys the feeling of homelessness.

"Jinhee, please help find the cereal for mum. I'll go and look for the meat."

Your ineptitude becomes apparent through your confusion to complete the simple task of finding a box of cereal. 

You felt so small and inconsequential, swallowed by the monstrous isles filled to the brim with food.

Your eyes wandered erratically and aimlessly. 

Your puzzlement was emphasized, loneliness was reinforced.

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