Fourteenth Tornado

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He appeared as a form of a tornado.

His skin sparkled under the dim light.

As glorious as ever.

As beautiful as ever. 

As breathtaking as ever. 

His features got sharper than before. 

He got thinner. 

You teared up just by the sight. 

You missed him so much.

You felt spring was coming to rescue you from the cold winter. 

Or maybe not. 

Because you found him colder than before. 

Your feet moved by itself. That was how much you wanted to have him in your arms, to feel his warmth again. 

What stopped you was his gaze.

The unfamiliar gaze. 

His eyes were intense but sternly icy.

There was a lonely winter inside his orbs. 

He moved away from his gaze on you like he never knew you. 

The wind was bone-chilling, they cut right through you.

Right at your heart. 

You looked up at the sky. Praying the thing you saw wasn't real.

That's when you realized the hailstones are still falling, throwing themselves on Baekhyun like he's their ultimate worst enemy in the world. 

You used your ring in an attempt to stop those hailstones, but you couldn't control them, their wills were too strong. The only thing you could do is to change their landing position. 

They only stayed still for three seconds until he was hurt by those ice stones again.

Who were you kidding, you were fighting against the God of Wind.

You quickly pulled Baekhyun under the roof. There were blood and bruises all over him. 

93 days of disappearance, what made him thought he could suddenly appear out of nowhere and hurt innocent people like that? 

You shouted at Sehun angrily, even a God had no right to hurt people just because he wanted to, "Stop hurting him, you're going to kill him!" 

Just then, black clouds sprawled across the sky, billowing in from the west. 

Their brassy glare drained the colour from houses and trees and burnished cars in driveways, leaving neighbourhoods tinted bronze in the faltering light. 

The air grew heavy and the humidity pressed down, suffocating. 

The scent of rain is dark and heady. A stillness fell over the street, and in the silence came a low crackle of thunder, rolling across rooftops to the pattering of tiny raindrops. 

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