Part 39: But you still cheated

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Grace sat on the bleachers at the college she coached soccer at she watched her girls practice. She had let her captain take over because she just wasn't feeling it today after everything that has happened.

It's been a few days since they found out Rosie couldn't physically get pregnant. Grace couldn't get over how cruel it was to take this away from her wife. She hated seeing Rosie so sad about it. She wasn't sure it was such a great idea for Rosie to go back to work because she works with pregnant women all day. It would be like torturing herself. But Rosie refused to stay at home and mope. They hadn't told anybody else about the news. Only Becky and Hannah knew. Grace was leaving it up to Rosie to tell other people when she was ready to do so.

Over the past few days Grace had been doing a lot of thinking. They hadn't discussed what they were going to do now but Grace had been thinking about it. Adoption was always an option. There are plenty of kids out there who would love to go to a loving couple. Grace wasn't opposed to adoption but she figured that would be their ultimate last option. The other two being: having a surrogate or if Grace had the baby. That last bit was the thing Grace had been thinking about the most.

She had always been adamant that she would never get pregnant because she just couldn't see it happening. It kinda freaked her out and labour just did not sound fun. But Grace had also been thinking about what comes after the pregnancy. Sure being pregnant was only for nine months but what you get out of it lasts for a lifetime. Grace wanted that...she wanted a baby after being so scared about being a mom she had gotten over her fear and let herself imagine, look forward to having a mini someone to call her own, watch them grow and love them unconditionally. She thought about Beth and what she had told her that it was all worth it because she had her son.

It was a lot to think about.


Charlie nervously sat in the foyer of the theatre waiting for her turn to audition. There were three other girls there going for the same part. Charlie had to perform a scene with the male lead and her character's father as well as sing something. It was important to have chemistry with the two other main characters otherwise it won't work.

Charlie tried to subtly eye up her competition but she couldn't judge how much better she was than them because she had never seen then act or sing.

Because they were going in alphabetical order Charlie was up first. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and smiled like her mama taught her as she walked into the theatre with confidence. As expected Charlie auditioned like a pro.

The decision was to be made that day so they had to stay at the theatre to find out who got the part. Charlie concluded that this was far more nerve wracking than doing the actual audition.

It seemed like forever until the main producer Patrick Hart came out to congratulate the person who got the part.

Charlie was sure she was going to pass out from anticipation and she wasn't sure she heard it right when the man came up to her and congratulated her.

"I...I got the part?" She hesitantly asked in shock.

Patrick gave her a small smile and just nodded.

"Oh my god." Charlie whispered to herself.

She then had to excuse herself for a moment. Charlie rushed out of the theatre and went a little further down the street before she pretty much screamed in excitement. She even did a little jump and flailed her arms around. After calming down a little she headed back to the theatre looking a little embarrassed.

The other girls had gone but the three producers were still there.

"Sorry about that." Charlie blushed.

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