Chapter 2, Not my Soulmate Anymore

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A/N: This is a shorter chapter but I still hope you enjoy it.

The only thing you noticed about Yoongi during the whole ride was how quiet he was. You didn't know if his lack of interaction was due to the fact that he absolutely didn't want to come to this trip or maybe this was just his personality.

The lodge you guys were staying at was beautiful, the view was beautiful and the little snow made everything more exciting.

"Waaahh, I love this.", you said for the umpteenth time and it only irritated Yoongi more.

Why were you his soulmate? Out of all the people, why did it have to be you? The two of you were polar opposites, if he was fire, you were water. The amount of talking you did in the car ride was probably more than Yoongi has done in his entire life.

Now, as you excitedly ran around in the lodge looking around like a little child, all he could focus on was the string that was connecting him to you.

He has to cut it, he will cut it. He knows this is unfair to you as this will mean that you'll essentially become soulmate-less after he cuts the string attaching both of you. All he can do is hope that another person who possesses the power to tie two loose strings meets you and does you a favor.

He also knew the repercussion of cutting the string, one that will change his life too. The moment he cuts the string, he will stop seeing the strings that connect two soulmates. Then again, when was this useful to him anyway? This is for the best.

This was selfish of him but the more he looked at you constantly blabbering, the more he was convinced that this was the right thing to do.

He got up from his seat and slowly walked towards you, you had your back towards him as you peaked out of the window and Yoongi's heart was already beating too fast. He was making a life changing decision here. After he cuts the string, both of you won't be soulmates anymore. Both of you will not find love anymore and will probably die lonely, that is until someone who could tie loose strings came in your lives atleast.

He wrapped his finger around the string as he walked closer to you.
He took a deep breath as he stared at your back and held the string tightly between his finger. This was it, he was about to break the bond between the two of you.

There, not his soulmate anymore.

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