Chapter 8, Don't leave me

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It was hard, it was so hard to act like you were happy after hearing Yoongi's announcement. You merely knew him for a week, why did it affect you so much? It shouldn't have but it did.

"That's great, Yoongi! I'm sure this will be a life changing step for you, right Y/N?", your best friend looked at you for a response but you had none. "Y/N? Where are you lost?"

In Yoongi's eyes, you were lost in them as the two of you just stared at each other in silence. The silence was deadly but very much needed.

After what felt like eternity, you finally got out of your trance and averted your gaze. "Congratulations, Yoongi. I'm happy for you." You weren't entirely lying, you were happy for him.

You just weren't happy for yourself.


That was a month ago, yet your heart still hurt everytime you thought about Yoongi. It was beyond you how a week could change your life so much.

After coming back, you only met Yoongi once when Namjoon invited you and Sarah over for lunch at their apartment. Even then, Yoongi ignored you like plague and yet you couldn't stop thinking about him.

"You know, I haven't seen you smile even once since we got back from the trip. It was supposed to get your mind off things and yet it somehow stressed you out. It's been a month, Y/N. You need to let it out."

You knew Sarah was right, it was time you told her your worries but you were scared you would look like a fool telling something that made no sense. With a defeated sigh, Sarah took the matters in her own hands. "It's Yoongi, isn't it?"

Your wide eyes must have given away your answer because she just sneered. "I saw the two of you on the...ummm..bed that morning."

Oh God, your life was a series of embarrassing events lined up. "And you didn't say anything till now so why bring it up at all?"

"Look, I wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't look like a little lost puppy in love. C'mon the two of you are adults, just go tell him that you've fallen for his arrogant personality."

"He's NOT arrogant. Besides, how do I say it without sounding like an idiot? Who the fuck falls in love in just a week, Sarah? I don't even know why the pull between us is so strong. I can't stop thinking about him, I want to spend so much time with him and when I think about him leaving, I just...I want to cry."

"You're not going to see the light just sitting here by yourself, you dumb ass. Go tell him how you feel, atleast you can get over it then if he doesn't feel the same way."

He referred to that night as a mistake so you were sure he didn't like you but Sarah's words stuck with you. You needed to confess in order to get over this and so you tried to calm your heartbeat as you picked up your phone and texted him a time and place to meet you at.


You know when you're going on a stage for the very first time and you're scared that everyone's going to judge you, you hear your heartbeat go crazy and your palms start sweating. This was what was happening to you right now. You were going to confess to Yoongi and knowing that he was sitting right infront of you was not helping.

" have you been?", your voice was shaky and you only realized it when you spoke.

"Good. You?" This man right here felt like a total stranger and it was making you uncomfortable.

"I..I've been good too."

That was it, nothing else. The silence from his side was deadly and it was killing you. He kept on touching the opening of his cup while you observed him and that was when you realized it. He wasn't quiet because he didn't want to be here, he was quiet because he didn't have the guts to face you after that night.

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