Chapter 18

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I know it's been a hot minute, but how was everyone's Christmas and New Year?? I hope you enjoy this chapter!!


Annabel's POV

"You told Marco Monroe to 'go fuck himself'" Ryder whisper yells. I nod my head.

"Clearly he didn't want to take that advice." I shrug. "I mean the guy is definitely in over his head." I say. "What do you mean, Anna?" He doesn't know wow. that surprises me. "Well, if you haven't heard Marco's dad, Andrew Monroe was murder when Marco was like nineteen. Marco was immediately made gang-leader." "I knew he became gang-leader young, but I didn't know his father was murder."

"Well Andrew was. Marco has been obsessed with finding who killed his father for three years. He has ruined a lot of the good things for the Monroe gang. Here's the thing. I know who killed Andrew Monroe, but Marco doesn't know that yet." Ryder's mouth opens and closes.

"Anna, I don't know what to say." I look down and twiddle with my fingers. To be honest there's more to the story then I would like to admit, but I'm not going to say anything about it unless I have to.

The door flies open, "Annabel, I swear to god if you died I was going to bring you back to life and kill you myself." A girl with red hair yells. "Who are you?" I look at her confused. "Oh my god! I forgot. I'm so sorry Bel. It's me, Stella." I nod my head understandingly. A few more girl come in. "I'm hannah." The girl with dirty blonde hair says. "I'm Violet." A girl with light blue hair says. "I'm Millie." A girl with light brown hair waves. "And I'm Crystal." A girl with bleach blonde hair says.

I nod my head in understandment. "I'm so fucking happy your okay" Violet says. They all came in and gave me a hug and kisses all over my face. "Okay, girls. We don't want to overwhelm her." Ryder says while grabbing my hand. "Fine, be all protective and shit, we will go get you some edible food Bel." Millie says grabbing Stella who grabbed Crystal, who grabbed Violet, who grabbed hannah, and they all left.

"Ryder I have one question for you and only you." I say as I look at him. "Okay, hit me." He is most definitely not ready for this. "Have we fucked yet?" His jaw basically hits the ground. "Close your mouth your gonna catch flies pretty boy." He gulps and then puts a smirk on his face. "Not yet, but I'm sure we can arrange it if you want, baby." I starts dying from laughter and it hurts to laugh. "Stop making me laugh, it hurts to laugh."

"Oh baby doll, I'm not joking, but let's wait until you're all healed." I smile. Two can play this game. "Okay, daddy, I'm not sure I can wait that long though." I take my hand that was holding his and put it on his thigh and run it up it. I can see the tent growing in his pants. He grabs my wrist, "Annabel you better stop while you're ahead of this." Oh my god, he has a daddy kink. It's kind of sexy, but weird. Though you can't hate what you haven't tried.

I smile at him, "Ryder do you have a daddy kink?" He moves his hands to come the huge boner that I gave him. "Well, I-I mean I guess. You're the only one who has called me daddy to my face and pretty much anything you say is sexy." I giggle, "Well we will talk about this after I get out of the hospital, which is..." "In a day."

I get out of this hell hole in a day. I don't know if I've mentioned, but I despise hospitals. My mom died in this very hospital. She had Leukemia. It was awful. I saw her as much as I could. My father on the other hand started to hate her for all the money the hospital, so he started cheating on her with my stepmother. It was awful not telling her. She spent the last year of her life in the hospital. Not once leaving the hospitals. That's when I started to train and do fights. I raised a lot of the money for her surgeries and chemotherapy. It was so hard going in to see her, but not once did I cry in front of her. I only did it when she was asleep or when I was away from her. It hurt watching my mother die in front of my eyes when I was only twelve. She was my rock but she disappeared right in front of me.

"Annabel" Someone says and I look up to see All the girls with Wendy's. "Crystal hid it under her shirt to get it in." Hannah says. I laugh and grab my side seeing as it hurt to laugh. They handed me my food and they found seats and started eating. I scoot over and pat the open spot of my bed for Ryder. He smiles at me and gets on the bed. I know I don't remember much, but I feel like I've known him forever. I eat my food and turn the tv on. After away I start to feel tired, so I snuggle up to Ryder and close my eyes and go to sleep.

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