Chapter 20

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One week later

"Daylen, I'm not telling you where I am. No one can know, just know I'm safe. How's Ryder?"

"Ugh, fine. I just have to know you are safe. and Ryder is not doing the best, I've had people keep track of him and he's looking everywhere for you. Anna just come back, he loves you, he needs you."

I sigh, "tell Ryder I don't love him. I never did and never will." 

"Anna, you want me to lie?" Daylen asks.

"If it keeps him save, yes. Lie to the moon and back, tell him whatever you have to, to get him to back off. I just want him and everyone else safe, and me being around won't let that happen." 

With that, I close my burner phone and throw it out the window of my car. With the week I've been gone I have dyed my hair blonde, gone to my safe house, gotten three of my fake ids and passports, and flew to Spain to my mom's family villa she left me that my father never knew about. I also have an old blue jeep that was my mom's. 

Everyone here knows me as Maria's daughter and the last of the Hernández family. My dad's last name is rose but everyone in the village knows me as Hernández. I came here with a fake ID but in this small village, everyone knows me and my real name. When my mom and I came here to visit my grandma my dad thought we were in Texas. I mean I feel like mom knew when she would pass my dad would be like this but who knows.

"Hola Mrs. Cortez." I wave at my friendly neighbor. She reminds me so much as my abuela. "Hola, miel." She waves back. "Cómo están los nietos?" She smiles at me. Ellos son buenos. Ya resolviste tu problema con el chico?" I slightly frown and shake my head no. I still can't get Ryder to understand I'm not coming backing, not until Marco is dead. "adios, Mrs. Cortez" We wave bye to each other and I drive the rest of the way up my driveway.

The villa is at the top of the hill, it is a beautiful tan, low-key house. I have one maid who lives here when I'm gone which is 11 months out of the year. She makes sure everything is well kept, and that nothing happens to it. Here I can relax and plan on how I'm going to get rid of Marco.

One thing Ryder does not know is I was betrothed to Marco. My father had owed him money and told him I'd marry him instead of giving him money. Marco agreed. I, on the other hand, did not and told him the fuck off and killed three of his men, knocked four out, and broke his arm. I understand why he is mad, but him trying to kill me and Ryder I will not take lightly. 

Marco Monroe will pay. He will pay with his life. I don't care what it takes, I'm all in if it means Ryder and my friends are safe.


She's been gone for a week I've looked all over the state and nothing. Her friend Daylen told me he has no idea where she is but he knows she is safe. He is supposed to be coming over, he said he has to tell me something important, I'm hoping it is where Anna went. 

There's a knock at the door and Ryan opens the door and points over to where I am, "he's over there." Ryan goes upstairs and Daylen comes over to me.

I stand up, "what do you need to tell me? Is it where she is?" Daylen frowns and shakes his head, "you should probably sit down, Ryder." I nod my head and sit down, "just tell me, Daylen. Is she okay?" He lets out a sigh, "Ryder she doesn't love you. She never has and never will. She wants you to get it through your head." I shake my head, "no, no. You're wrong. She loves me, I know she does." Daylen sits down, "Ryder, she's going to get married when she turns nineteen. She's betrothed to Marco Monroe. She was only here to get information for him. She does not love you. she hates you." 

I feel tears run down my face. I stand up and grab Daylen by his shirt, "You're lying. I know you are. She'd never do that. She loves me. I know she does." I let go of his shirt, "if you are going to lie to me get out of my house," I yell. Daylen shakes his head, "I'm not lying but I will leave." With that, he walks out.

I know he's lying but it hurts not seeing her. I go to the kitchen and grab a bottle of Jack Daniels, and head up to my room.

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