Chapter 1: The pickup

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Hey guys, i'm back with a new story. This was one of my first books that I wrote a few months back and it originally didn't have a plot *Winces*. But now i've brushed off the plot bunnies and crackin', basically having to rewrite the entire first and second book. Anyways, my new college quarter is starting on Monday and I almost forgot about it (That would have been really bad). But yeah, here's a new book and hopefully, everyone likes it.

Also, this will sorta follow the movie, there will be the beginning which we all know and love with the the Camaro and the end will be relatively similar. But in the middle it's different.

I don't own any of the Transformers series just my Oc's.


With my forehead on the edge of the nurse's table, I stared at the little black box in my hand, waiting for the numbers to tell me that my shift was over. The devilish device had prevented me from leaving the hospital at eight o'clock last night and put me in an eight-hour emergency surgery.

"Being an attending sucks." I groused, flipping my head over to look at my fellow trauma surgeons. The people I spent eighty hours a week with all sat in their spinny chairs while the nurses were out getting their daily rounds in with the morning docs.

The brunette with her curly hair pulled into a messy bun laughed, leaning her head back and plopping some potato chips into her mouth. "I don't know I like bossing the residents around."

"Me too." I agreed, stifling back a yawn. "But I haven't slept in two days. Well, I got in a few naps here and there. But..."

"It sucks." The man diagonally from me blurted out groggily. He and I had been in the same surgery last night and actually use to be my former teacher/mentor. His fire-red hair was flipped over to the side, blocking out one of his blue eyes as his hand rested on his chin.

I nodded slowly, blinking longingly for another gallon of coffee before going back to staring at my pager.

11:58 a.m.

A long mental shriek ripped through my mind. These were going to be the longest two minutes of my life. But what felt like hours was actually one-hundred-and-twenty seconds and the second my pager hit twelve I was out the door with my duffle bag in hand before anyone could stop me.

The sun burned my eyes, making me raise my hand to try and block it. My pale skin could definitely use the vitamin D right now.

"Hey, Dr. Lexi! Over here." My sister shouted, waving a hand over to me from across the crowded parking lot. Brooke, my biological sister was sitting in the passenger's seat of our adoptive father's 1961 Juniper green Austin Mk II Roadster. She hung half her body out the side of the open roof sports car with her typical cop sunglasses on.

Smiling and waving back at her, I began to make my over to them, with Uncle Ron looking as bored as possible, leaning one elbow on his precious car, and wearing his dark shades. I knew he hated driving me back and forth from the hospital, especially with the unpredictability of being a surgeon. Sometimes I would stay an entire night at the hospital just so Uncle Ron wouldn't have to wake up at two in the morning to pick me up.

Looking at my uncle, I remembered the days my parents would meet up for parties and evening dinners. My family was very good friends with the Witwicky's and when my parents were murdered in front of my sister and I, they took us in, let us live with them for a bit and then, later on, adopted us. There weren't any words to describe how thankful I was to have them do that, they kept my sister and I from having to move from foster home to foster home and gave us a place to grow up in -- to thrive in.

The Unknown (Transformers Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ