We Gotta Add Dragons, Of Course. Or at Least Just a Glimpse

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Hey everyone! Welcome to yet another chapter. Now we're only like two or three chapters away from the end of this book, but NOT the series. There will be a book two and three and four until all the movies are over with or I grow bored with writing this stuff. But I doubt that will ever happen. The day I become uninterested in Transformers is the day I die. Lol.

It would mean so much if you guys could vote, share, and add this story to your reading list. I just want to know that people actually like to read this story. 

Also, I read this at four in the morning, so please be understanding with grammar errors. :)


Arriving in Mission City was the easy part, all I had to do to get Bee back was hold a gun to Simmons' chest and demand to see Bee. It felt good, like a little taste of revenge for putting my family through everything and putting Bee through being experimented on. I'd never wish something like that on anyone, even Simmons. It makes me sick that the government would hurt someone, even if they are alien, so easily.

    The drive to Mission city was where we reunited with Optimus and his team somewhere along the road. But Decepticons managed to find us, even in Hoover Dam where Megatron broke free from his icy home. Optimus stayed behind on the highway to deal with the two Decepticons. Where he is now, I don't know. All I know is that Ironhide, Bee, Ratchet, and Lennox's men are with me right now, in one of the street's of this large city. It actually reminds me of Los Angeles with its towering buildings.

    Sam, and Mikaela, and I are standing in the middle of the road while the bots stay in their vehicle modes. Bee keeps the Cube safe in his backseat, no one has touched it besides Sam who set it there in the first place.

    To think that tiny Cube, the size of a small box, engraved with intricate alien carvings use to be bigger than any of these buildings beside me. All it took was a certain yellow and black Autobot to touch the cube, that Hoover Dam was built around, to touch the cube and it shrunk to a human-carrying size package.

Green smoke carries heavenward as Lennox's team stands by, waiting for the Air Force. Their three black Hummer vehicles purr in the waves of heat making way towards the sky. Everyone falls silent, watching the sky while Epps holds a large brick-sized radio in one hand, waiting for a response from one of the approaching jets. I note the way the grey jet seems to be dipping towards the ground.

Suddenly, Ironhide transforms into his bot form, looking back at everyone. "It's Starscream! Back up! Get to cover! Bumblebee!"

Nearby pedestrians scream and run onto the sidewalks as Bee shifts into his bot form. Together, the two bots grab the nearest thing the can use for cover and drag it towards us. Their definition of cover just so happens to be a Fur Baby Doll truck.

"No. No, no, no, no! Move!" Lennox grabs my wrist and forces me onto the curb and into a wide alleyway. During all the chaos, I manage to snag my brother's wrist who in turn grabs Mikaela's arm. Lennox throws us against the wall while barking orders at his men to retreat.

The air hisses before pavement explodes in flames. My ears ring as missiles go off. Instinctively, I grab Sam and Mikaela, throwing my arms around them to somehow shield them from any metal shards. Lennox does the same with me, holding me close to his chest and nearly bending over in half.

The ground trembles but not enough to throw anyone off balance, just enough to remind us that were in the middle of a war zone.

When Lennox let's go of me, everyone stands and I immediately survey the area. From the alleyway I'm in, my eyes scan the torn up street. Craters are scattered across the pavement and bodies lie everywhere, most civilian while others Lennox's own men. Not all of them are whole.

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