Chapter 4: The Car In The Garage

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Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for not posting in such a long time. There's really no excuse except that I wasn't motivated... and when i'm not motivated my writing isn't very good and I wanted it to be good for you guys. So, anyways, i'm finally posting. Yay!
Check out my other stories!

Now switched out of my hospital scrubs and wearing ripped blue jeans, a black top and some stained sneakers, I hid in the garage ready to work on fixing my new car up. As I walked around my eyes were fixated on the yellow and black stripes. They were faded like this beauty had been outside sunbathing for too long. But something didn't seem quite right. This car had put on some show earlier, it's car alarm going off, the door swinging open, it was quite a fixer-upper.

Rubbing my hands together, I sauntered over to the hood of the car, grabbing an oily rag my ex used to fix up his car with. David had taught me how to fix cars, mostly how to change the oil, check for hydraulic fluid, the good stuff. But since I actually liked learning about the cars and how they worked he had begun to teach me, not everything, but some.

"Okay, car let's see what you've got. And trust me I'm a surgeon so you're in good hands." I murmured quietly, popping the hood of the vehicle. "Woah." I breathed.

The engine was completely new, there wasn't a single ounce of rust anywhere, unlike the outside. The orange that sparkled under the yellow garage light popped out from the rest of the silver parts of the car. I wanted to examine the engine further but my sister called me.

"What up, bitch?" My sister threw open the garage doors, waltzing in like she owned the place. "How's the Camaro?"

I glanced at her, rolling my eyes before looking back at the engine. "Take a look for yourself," I said as a strange feeling began to engulf me. My eyes narrowed almost like I was in a trance of some sort but I didn't care to knock myself out of it.  Some kind of energy seemed to be radiating off the car. The droopy eyes I had from a lack of sleep lifted while the hairs on my arms stood up. Waves of refreshing energy washed over me in steady beats, almost like the way a heartbeat.

The squint on my eyes deepened. What was this? And was it... familiar? Where have I felt this before? The series of unanswered questions nagged at the back of my mind like a sore thumb. It was irritating and made me want to rip every piece of metal from the car to find the source.

Thumb. Thumb. Thumb. The series of heart-like pulses consumed my focus, blocking out my sister's babbling next to me. Was it alive? No, that's absurd i'd be admitted into an insane asylum for thinking such things. This was a machine, not a living thing.

"Woah." Brooke chuckled, snapping me out of my thoughts. Her lapis blue eyes grinned at the engine in front of her. "Damn. I guess you can never judge a book by its cover."

Straightening, I turned to her, propping my elbow up on the hood. Did she just call my car a piece of trash? "And what does it look like, Brooke?" I sneered, deciding to file my previous thought to the back of my mind until a later time.

She smirked at me, quirking a brow. "Like an old Camaro with rust on it."

I gasped dramatically, patting the hood of the car in reassurance, pretending it had feelings. "It's okay she's just jealous that I have a ride now. Don't listen to the bully."

The blonde's lips twisted, folding her arms at me before her eyes drifted off of me and to the car. Her humorous expression faded like her smile. She stared at it, almost like she was in the same trance I was in earlier. "Do you... feel that?" She asked uncertainty.

Was she feeling the same energy too? No, it was probably just me.

"Do you feel that?" She whispered hoarsely.

"Feel what?" My head cocked to the side, hiding my shock. she was feeling that.

"That feeling -- like... like a heartbeat." The dirty blue rag in my hands fell and I quickly bent over to pick it up again.

"Y-you feel it too?" I inquired incredulously. "The... the heart beat?"

Brooke leaned forward slightly, her voice lowering as she stared at the car. "Bumblebee?"

The car jolts, air hissing as my sister and I stumbled backwards. My eyes went wide as I gasped. A loud click came from the car and the radio stammered on, high pitch wheezing of the stations shifting. "How -- did you -- know that -- name little kid?" The mixture of different station all jumbled together to make one awkward sentence.

"Yo -- y- your alive?!" My sister stuttered, her hand flew across my stomach protectively while the other pointed at the car. She started creeping backwards, forcing my feet to pick up and move with her.

"The car's alive." I gulped under my breath, heart racing and palms sweating. Brooke and I continued to step back towards the garage door, when suddenly... My sister grabbed my wrist, yanking me towards her and forcing me into a run as we made our escape. My head flung to look behind hers, not questioning the detective in our flee.

Metal clanked and whirled behind us as the wooden door became within reaching distance. But as I thought that our escape was going to be successful a giant metal hand flew before my eyes and blocked the exit.

I spun around to see a large metal robot on all fours, his hand extended to block our exit while staring at us with wide eyes. Brooke and I froze, gawking at the what use to be my car.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." It said, quoting The Shining.

"Who quotes a serial killer?" Brooke shouted incredulously, her fingers squeezing against my wrist tighter.

"Simmer down sally." The bot admonished in a country accent before moving onto another station. "Now I need you to listen -- I ain't gonna hurt you."

Brooke and I just gaped at the male robot in silence before Sam called my name from outside the garage. My head snapped to my younger brother, heart racing before my yellow Camaro caught my attention.

He brought his finger to his mouth. "Sh sh sh."

"Lexi, you in there?" Sam yelled, his fists banging on the door.

"Oh crap. What do we do?" I asked frantically, my eyes darting to the giant robot and my sister.

What do we do? My sister and I were standing in front of a giant robot with Sam banging on the garage doors. Who's even seen a giant fucking robot?!

The door to the garage began to shake as Sam burst in. 

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