Whom To Trust

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"Get back here!" My feet push faster, turning down another dark alleyway. Adrenaline rushes through my veins, heart hammering to the point I think it might explode out of my chest. Heavy metallic footsteps pound behind me, only seemingly to push my fear up and sprint faster.

Despite my smaller size, I can't outrun the large bot and she catches me in a few short strides. "Let me go!" I shout, slamming my fists into her black hands and only causing pain to run up my arms like lightning.

"Running?" The Decepticon cocks a head, raising a delicate brow. "That's not like you."

"I don't even know you!" I pound relentlessly against her fists, knowing that my actions are useless against the metal female.

"Aw." She clucks a tongue, shaking her head. "There's no need to pretend who you are from me."

"What?" I hiss, fear now turning to anger. The fury in my eyes seems to frighten her and she almost drops me, red eyes widening in... Fear? "I've never even met you!"

The bot is quick to regain her composure and looks down the alleyway where Jazz shouts my name. Her eyes flick down at me before disappearing into numerous alleyways. It's a terrifying sound when Jazz's voice slowly dies through the distance. My heart slowly sinks, accepting it's very likely fate.


Optimus had explained to me what Decepticons were and judging by how this woman has just kidnapped me and has a skull with wings in the center of her chest, I'm guessing that she is a Decepticon.

I'm taken to an abandoned Costco where the ceilings are high enough for the six other black and silver bots join up to meet with my captor. Since I've was dragged away, my mouth has been glued shut, something that scares the con and her friends.

One of the bots strides towards me precautiously and his large bulky body shrinks before my eyes. Metal morphs to flesh. My eyes widen to the size of saucers when a human with black and white hair shoves me onto the ground, snapping cuffs on my wrists and then making a quick getaway towards the back room.

I'm left stunned at the sight and can only stare at the six huddled close around each other.

"Really?" One of the men whispers, arms folded over his chest. He glances at me with the same red eyes as the lone woman does, and the same wariness. "She went down that easily?"

"Yeah." The female says, just as surprised as her comrades. "Did you tell him yet? About her?" She gives me a skeptical look over her shoulder. I blink, barely able to hear them. But they think the opposite and drop their voice's even lower until I can't hear anything or read their lips.

My eyes wander from the group and look over the giant industrial shelves still left behind when this Costco went out of business. It feels so much bigger in this warehouse when there aren't stacks of food and home items taking up space.

I shift against the slippery cement floors, drawing the group's attention like a deer attracted to headlights. They just stare, watching me like I'm going to leap at them until the only woman in the group steps forwards, kneeling in front of me with her arrogant mask put back into place.

My skin crawls, pushing myself into the dusty wall as she drags a delicate finger over my cheek, brushing against the cut where the bullet grazed me. Her touch is so soft it sends shivers down my spine, and her gaze feels more like a caress. It's unsettling. "Do you know where you are?"

I grimace, eyeing her giant finger as it pulls away with a slick of crimson blood. It barely looks like a tiny scratch against her black finger, but she examines it like it's the most interesting thing in the world. "What?" I ask again.

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