Chapter 7: Four Thousand Dollars Just Drove Off

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Super short chapter but I'm posting a second one today because of it. :)

Enjoy and check out my other transformer books and dragon stories.

"You know what I don't understand? Why, if he's supposed to be, like, this super-advanced robot, does he transform into a piece-of-crap Camaro?"

Bee slammed on his brakes, tires screeching as everyone flung forwards in their seats. My chest slammed into wheel, forearms taking the brunt of the damage. The black and yellow car, slid across the road. Cars laid on their horn as the doors flew open, kicking everyone out, even Mikaela and Sam who sat in the back seats.

"Bee, seriously?" Brooke looked down at the vehicle, rubbing her red collar bones to try and sooth the pain from her body slamming into the dash.

The doors slammed shut as a response. The yellow and black Camaro, floored it, tires spinning against the road before catching ground and flooring it down the tunnel, the way we came.

"Great now you pissed him off!" Sam waved at the victoria-looking-secret model, stepping onto the curb of the yellow-lit tunnel.

Hands went to my head, watching as my car disappeared in the crowd of other vehicles. Instead of worrying about the alien robot speeding away or how we would have to walk home, all I could think about was one very unimportant thing. "Oh my god, four thousand dollars worth of car just drove away." I breathed, still reeling in the last few seconds.

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Brooke took hold of my wrist and gently but firmly pulled me onto the curb of the street with the others. It sounded like she was more amused by my reaction than annoyed.

"Well... Yeah." My hands dragged across my face, heart racing and palms sweaty. "I mean, you'd be pissed if four thousand dollars just drove the fuck away, too!"

"Guys look." We all turn to look down the circular tunnel, looking at the spot Mikaela points to.

"I knew he wouldn't leave us." My sister folds her arms over her chest with a smug smile. But her jaw drops when she realizes that the Camaro is only driving on two wheels, turned over onto one side and driving through the middle of the lane and towards another much shiner Camaro.

I blink, confused as blue lasers graze over the other yellow and black car. My lips part in silent awe and 'the-fuck' as the piece-of-crap Camaro morphs into the shiny new version of a Camaro. As I step backward, letting the brand new car pull up to the curb and open its doors, my eyes graze over the two black strips that run down the center of the car.

" A 2009 Chevrolet Camaro Replica." Brooke breathes and I flash her a confused look. She shrugs as Sam holds the door open for Mikaela and hops into the back seats. "I'm a cop, we gotta know cars, ya know?"

"Uh huh." I hum, before sprinting around the hood of the vehicle before my sister can even think to take the drivers side. Quickly, I hop in, slowly sinking into the new leather seats and taking in that wonderful new car smell. Brooke climbs in beside me, making some remark about everyone putting on our seat belts before Bee pulls off onto the road, taking us to some rebuilt museum with a large statue of who knows what.

The engine shuts off and Brooke and I are the first to get out of the car. My head lifts to the clear starry night, stepping over enough to let Sam and Mikaela out. Confused looks circle around us, wondering the same thing. Why here? Bee certainly didn't bring us here to look at the stars. So why here? Why now?

It doesn't take very long to figure out the answer.

With my focus on the stars, something catches my attention. My eyes flick to the blobs and streaks of four red flames descending from the atmosphere. Shock engulfs me, eyes slightly wide as I stare up in amazement. Each meteor falls in our direction but break off in separate directions as they get closer to the ground. I flinch as one flies over our heads, crashing into the hilltop next to us while the others spread out into unknown places. One goes near the baseball stadium David, my ex, talked me into seeing.

A shoulder nudges mine, making me tear my gaze from the flaming hill to my left. My brows pull together in thought as Brooke discreetly nods to Sam and Mikaela at the front of the Camaro. When I look down, a smirk tugs at one side of my lips.

"Their holding hands." My sister whispers into my ears, explaining the obvious. I shrug her off me, uncomfortable with her warm breath on my neck. A shudder runs through my body.

Bee transforms and by now, Brooke and I are complete experts in the art of car-to-bot shift, but Mikaela and Sam are still a little spooked and eye the giant bot carefully. He steps past us, looking to my sister and I and nodding for us to follow. And we do.

Reaching the top, I squint down the hill, past the yellow grass in light flames, to a metallic egg. Heat radiates from the space egg, blasting against my face even from all the way up here. Something in my heart jumped as my body battled to flee or creep closer.

If Bee wanted us dead he could us step on us. With the words oddly comforting, Brooke seemed the exact opposite. She narrowed her eyes at the silvery egg like she was ready to tackle it and strangle it to death if it tried to attack. She stood close to the two lover birds, standing closer to Sam like she had purposefully positioned herself their to keep the two close together. Does she ship them?

Metal clanked, making everyone beside Bee jolt and step behind his feet. My heart pounded, watching as a metal leg emerged from the object, followed by another and then two arms. I gaped at the sight of another, bland metal robot, thirty-feet tall, taller than Bee standing yards away from us.

My gaze flicked to Bumblebee, watching his reaction to see if he was going to go sprinting off and attack. But to my surprise, when the two made eye contact, he gave a respectful nod to the new bot.

Instantly relieved, I beamed a happy smile at the bot, welcoming him to Earth. My sister snorts, punching the side of my arm. "I literally hate you." She grins, only joking.

My lips twist, pursuing together. "I'm being fucking polite, okay? If he decides to kill any of us, I'll be the last one because I was nice."

Bee chuckles as the other space-robot turns and makes his way down another hill, towards the empty road we had been on only ten minutes ago. I huff, unsatisfied with not receiving some kind of greeting. Fine, fuck you too, buddy.

Metal clanks and the yellow and black bot shifts back into his vehicle mode. We all take it as another sign to get back in.

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