A Ho-Ho

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Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting last week, I was at the beach and then rented a house in the mountains with my family. It was pretty fun and I got to read like six books.

How's everyone's summer going? I'd like to hear.

Anyways, here's another chapter. I plan on skipping the part where Sam, Mikaela, and Brooke, plus the soldiers, are in the room where they see what the Allspark can do. It doesn't really progress the book besides giving some information. But I do plan on adding a little something, something in there to make up for the movie cut.


My hand's rise to my face, rubbing my eyes with my palms. One of the pilots gave every person here, on the helicopter, headphones to talk to one another while on the trip to who knows where. But I can still hear the roaring engine and the metal blades buzzing through the overly large muffs. Wind from the small slits of the side door, push stray wisps of blonde hair into my face and mouth, driving me through the roof as I continue to shove them behind my ear.

"So," A woman says with a heavy Australian. "What did they get you in for?" My hands fall to my lap, looking at the petite woman with curly dirty-blonde hair. I squint at her, trying to see the hazel eyes through the hot afternoon sun. The woman sits beside a heavier man with dark skin and a low buzz cut. She's strikingly beautiful, even if there's a shine to her olive skin and mascara smudged underneath her eyes. I can see her and Mikaela sitting beside me, getting along quite well. They can talk about how they make themselves look so beautiful.

"Uh..." I drawl, "My sister bought a car. It turned out to be an alien robot." I say, trying my best not to pick up on her accent. It's something my sister and Sam always make fun of me for, but I can't help but pick up on the way everyone talks.

"What are your names?" Sam asks. When I glance to my left, my gaze drops to Sam's lap where his hand lays intertwined with Mikaela's.

"I'm Maggie." The blonde answers and then nods to her larger friend. "This is my friend, Glen."

"So, why do they have you? Did you buy an alien robot?" Mikaela asks, putting on a friendly smile.

"Yeah, Maggie, how did we get here?" Glen shifts in the worn leather seat, giving a plastered smile.

She rolls her eyes. "Maybe if you hadn't been such a freak during the interrogation-"

"Hey! Those donuts hit me out of nowhere." He points a sausage finger at her. "You can't blame a man for wanting to fill his hunger."

"Actually, I can." She sasses back, ready to argue. I clear my throat, no really in the mood to be reminded of my sister and I bickering. At least, not when she's not by my side. But I have full confidence that Jazz used his sly skills to get my sister back. But as a detective, if I don't have solid evidence that Lexi's safe, then the doubt still churns my stomach.

"Sorry." Maggie apologizes before resuming her story. "I'm an analyst for the government and worked on the frequency used to hack into our network. It just so happened that the frequency used in Qatar belongs to your alien car."

"Oh, totally." I nod, trying to seem smart and intelligent. "Yeah, totally get that stuff."

When we touch down on the ground, the four of us are all shoved into another black SUV which seems to be getting a little old. Sam and Mikaela chit chat with Maggie and Glen, getting to know them a bit more while I stare out the window, watching as the vehicle climbs up a steep road. I lean more towards the window, trying to peer over the edge of the mountain and over the cement barriers. There's a teal blue river that meets a dam with smooth walls and guards posted everywhere, holding assault rifles.

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