Chapter 2: Four Thousand!

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Trotting over to the black and yellow Camaro, I could hear Bobby, the car dealership guy yelling to Manny about something, saying something along the lines of him not seeing that car before.

    Stepping to the drivers door I inspected the sports car which came just below my chin. It's bright yellow paint had faded and had rust growing along the rims of the vehicle. Two black racing stripes stretched down the middle of the Camaro while the windows had been rolled down, probably to let visitors stick their head in and look around.

    I went to run my hand along the roof of the car when I suddenly yanked my hands back when my hand shot with a surge of electricity.

    "You okay, sis?" Brooke asked, standing beside me.

    "Yeah." I assured, staring at my hand and then the Camaro. "The car just shocked me that's all."

    Brooke scoffed, galloping around to the front of the vehicle and stretching her hand to the handle and instantly pulling her hand back and shaking it. "Ow! It shocked me."

    I cracked a lopsided grin, seeing my sister getting hurt was always satisfying. Opening up the car door and not receiving a shock this time, I ducked my head and sat in the car, closing the door behind me. My eyes studied the steering wheel, curling my fingers around the leather steering wheel.

    A rush of excitement and adrenaline flushed through me as I imagined myself speeding down the California highways. This car was definitely coming home with me.

"You good?" Brooke raised a brow as she sat in the seat beside me.

"I... I really like this car." I said slowly and then nodding in agreement with myself. Oh yeah, I was definitely taking this car home.

My thumb traced across the center of the wheel, feeling the logo bend and shift slightly under my finger. The car's insignia looked like a face, a face made out of small pieces of silver metal with the spaces separating the silver pieces. There was something special about this insignia, something I couldn't place but it was probably my imagination.

My elbow went to the window, looking at Ron who was watching my intense stare with the car. "I really like this car." I told him, hearing Sam arguing with Bobby about the car being custom faded.

Ron looked up over the hood where Ron and Sam where. "How much?"

A sudden thud came over the roof of the car, directly over where Brooke was sitting. "Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick wheels and custom paint job..." Bobby began and I frowned, quickly getting out of the car and resting my hands on the roof of it.

"It's faded." I told him, thankful that I was wearing my hospital scrubs. The navy blue clothing was lose enough so that I could easily maneuver around things without having to worry about my pants being pulled down on accident.

Bobby stared at me for a moment. "Yeah, but it's custom."

"So it's custom faded."

"Well this is your first car I wouldn't expect you to understand." He said waving me off and looking back at Ron. "Five grand."

Ron shook his head. "No, i'm not paying over four. Sorry."

The dark skinned man turned his gaze back to me, flipping his hands over before plopping hem back onto the hood of the vehicle. "Sorry, kid."

We were only one grand off, their had to be another way for me to get this car. I could bargain or something or maybe angel myself so that my boobs showed off their bigger size. Men usually tended to give me free drinks if I used my boobs, though I preferred not to use them unless absolutely necessary and I felt pretty close to using them. "Wait, no. You said cars pick their drivers."

"Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father."

Brooke swung the drivers door open, almost hitting Bobby but he managed to jump out of the way first. "What did you say?" Brooke growled, a hand on the open door and giving the man a fierce look. Brooke was always the person who would happily jump start throwing punches if you insulted anyone she cared about, especially family.

Knowing that my sister would actually punch the guy, I swiftly made my way around the back of the car to stand behind my sister, ready to grab her if she tried anything.

Bobby stared at her warily before quickly spinning around and raising a hand to show the yellow rusted car beside the Camaro's. It was much much smaller and reminded me of one of those beetle cars.

"There's another racing strip car over there, Lex." Ron pointed to the blue little car across the car yard.

"Yeah, I know, but if we can i'd really like this car." I told him, almost apologetically. I felt bad for making such a big deal over a used vehicle, but there was something about this car that I was just drawn to.

Brooke stepped to the side and shut the car door and it instantly shot back open, hitting the yellow beetle beside it with a loud honk. The oil cans beside the beetle toppled over from their previous pyramid and scattered across the dusty ground.

I gasped, startled before biting my lower lip and trying to stifle back a laugh that would surely lower the chances of me getting this car. 

"Geez. Holly cow." Ron said incredulously, stepping forwards to make sure Bobby was okay.

"No, no, no. It's okay." Bobby assured, putting his hands up and looking at us. He swung over to look over his shoulder yelling to Manny and telling him to come bust of the dents in the tiny yellow car.

I sighed, starting to lose hope in winning this car when an ear-piercing car alarm went off. My body bent in half, squeezing my eyes shut and grabbing my ears, trying to muffle out as much sound as I could.

Glass exploded, shattering around everyone and scratching the side of my legs. The alarm came to a sudden stop and gave off a quick beep before I shot upright, turning my head to look around the car yard with wide eyes. Every window or piece of glass within the mini car yard was shattered and dispersed across the ground.

My eyes widened further when Bobby suddenly yelled, "Four thousand!"

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