Chapter: I'm Pregnant.

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Hey everyone! 

As I rewrite my stories I like to split screen my computer so I can read my OG story and my new one *inhales deeply* When I read my OG story, I literally want to die. It was horrible, like nothing made sense. Every sentence was always 'I did this' 'we did that' 'I heard this' *Screams* Like holy shit! We get it you have ears, lol. But anyways, the 2.0 of this book is so much better.

I hope you all like the story so far, and please feel free to give some constructive criticism. I'm always looking for ways to become a better writer, even if it's just me fixing commas or something.


Sam searched frantically through his room, rummaging through his cluttered shelves and shoving large piles of clothes that lay scattered across his floor into a widespread pile. "Where are they? No, no, no, no, no." He spun around towards his bed and lifted up his blue blankets. "Come on. Come on."

"Where's your stupid backpack?" My sister hisses from behind me, throwing clothes over her head and into a messy pile behind her. Neither of us liked Sam's complaining and whining on a daily basis, but today, he was definitely testing our patience with him. Panicking wasn't going to help solve anything. There was no use in getting worked up over nothing, and by that I mean the giant alien robots standing in our backyard.

Everything's fucking normal.

"How can you find anything in here?" I mutter, sitting on the hardwood floors with my thighs crossed and organizing his shelves while also looking for the glasses. Multitasking. "My room is not this dirty."

Sam stands on the verge of a mental break down while Brooke and I stay perfectly calm, watching in secret amusement and annoyance, as he whips around to me, eyes wide. Mikaela in her leather jacket with a low v-cut shirt and skinny jeans, flinches beside him, looking up from the shelf Sam stationed her at. I glance at her, trying to forget the whole 'my treasure chest' incident.

"This is not a competition of who has the cleaner room, Alexis." He snaps, trying to offend me but his words roll right off my back. You can't be a good a surgeon if you get caught up on the stupid things people say to you when their angry and grieving.

"Oh shit, dude." Jazz comments from the window beside me. His giant metal eyes, glowing a hue of blue look from my brother to me. He inclines his chin, gesturing to my brother who just now realized he had been standing there for the past ten minutes. "He's using your full name."

Sam tenses like a board, veins buildings in his neck. I stifle down the urge to backhand him, wanting to yell at him to get a grip on his feelings. That would only make him panic even more. "I told you to hide! Why-"

"Guys, he's back," Mikaela whispers, running a manicured hand through her dark hair.

Sam basically sprints and throws half his body out the window, arms catching the sides of the white frame at the last second. "What? Oh, no, no, no."

I jog over to the window, pushing my brother aside to see Optimus standing with one foot in our mother's flower garden. My lips part while my heart drops to my stomach. He apologizes while Sam goes into a full-on panic, gesturing wildly. "Okay, listen. You gotta listen to me. If our parents come out here-"

"Sam." I snap, finally done with his bullshit. "Give them a break their new to Earth, and suck it up. Your panicking isn't going to solve anything, it's making things worse. If you want to help go back to Mikaela and keep searching the room. Brooke and I can go search downstairs and ask Judy for help because if she can't find your backpack, no one can and the Earth is dead because you don't know how to organize."

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