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After checking on my sister i rode out to the slaughter house real quick. I was gone do it later but i might as well handle this bitch now. When i pulled up i sat in my car for a minute just thinking. I called zoe and told her to take Keisha a phone and whatever else she needed. I started to think about my mom. I wish she was here everyday to see me. I never even got the chance to spoil her like i always dreamed of. Nobody knew how i felt but my sister. That's why i love my sister to death, she really the other half of me. We like the same person. We felt the same way at all times. Gathering my thoughts i got out the car and walked in the back door. It smelled so fucking bad in here Like this bitch was pissing and shitting up a storm. I had intentions on fucking her but that was out of my plans real quick. When she seen me she instantly started crying i grabbed her by her hair and just threw her across the room. I took the tape off her mouth so she could talk.
"Who sent you."
"Nobody please!" i just put the tape back over her mouth. She was lying. I had to pick up something in the mist of me going to fuck her which was a mistake. I left her in the car for not even 5 minutes before niggas came shooting at the damn house i was coming out of. Luckily i stay with it or who knows. I tied her back up to the chair so tight she didn't even have a chance to move. I grabbed my favorite chain and put it on the fire place for a second so it could get hot. I put my glove on grabbed it and just started wacking her all over her body. I didn't even care about where i was hitting her. She could have had me killed. When i was tired enough her body looked like she been to hell and back. I wanted her to suffer so i just left her there.
"You a lucky bitch." I said to her on my way out.

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