Know Your All Stars: Tsubomi

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Voice: Hello guys and welcome to your daily regimen of Know Your all Stars segment with me the Voice. This is the The first update in summer so it's about time I guess. Anyway, were doing the HeartCatch Precure this week so let's get down and dirty with it.

In today's episode we have the most shy Precure in history with us today she has a harem of course owns a flower shop, and for some awkward reason wants to plant flowers on the moon. But hey everyone has dreams and it's up to us to make them true.

Ladies and Gentlemen give it up for Tsubomi Aka Cure Blossom!!


Tsubomi:Thanks for the intro.

Voice:No problem. Well I guess you know how this works right?..


Voice:Very well then. Let's begin. Tsumobi steals candy from babies.just yesterday she stole a candy from Futaba without her knowing.


Erika:Don't sweat it. We are all like that sometimes.

Itsuki:Yeah right.

Ichika:I can't belive you!

Tsubomi:it's not true! I would never steal from my sister.

Voice:Hmm.... I don't think so. anyway
Tsubomi is in this big harem that is coming to your tv stations on Cartoon Network this summer called HeartCatch Precure: Tsumobi's Harem.


Voice:We just did the first 10 episodes based on the movie and it's going to be great. The sypnosis is about Tsubomi being in a harem with Erika, Itsuski and Olvier and she doesn't know who to choose from.

Regina:I would totally watch that!

Tsubomi:I'm not in a Harem! Stop making lies about me!

Voice: And that's not it folks were also streaming on Netflix tomorrow going.

Erika:I'm going to watch this!

Everyone:We all will.

Tsubomi:😭 WHYYYYYYY!?

Voice:Heh. Crybaby.

Tsubomi:I'm not crying!

Voice:Alright then final lie folks! Tsubomi strips at strip clubs and works there currently as her summer job.

Pink Precure:Eh?????

Hana: You slut!

Tsubomi:I'm not a slut I don't know what a strip club is.


Voice:Remember Challenge 13.


Tsubomi : (drunk with Itsuki in the Club, Erika Nosebleeds and Yuri beats the hell out people)


Tsubomi:Uh oh.

Voice:Your parents are here.

Tsubomi:(eyes open and glass breaks)
Oh s....

Tsubomi's Dad: Honey, is this true!?

Tsubomi:It's not true I swear!

Regina:Yeah right get her folks!

People start throwing stuff at Tsumobi.

Tsubomi:Hey cut that out.

Voice:Well that's all for this segment folks Tsubomi the slut works at the club Steals from babies and has a harem series coming this summer.

Rikka: Well that's some mixed reactions.

Voice: well I'm leaving now for my next segment. See ya next time.

Tsubomi:Wait! You are not going to start the series are you hello!?

Oliver:She's gonna have a hard time forgetting this.


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