4: Emma gets in fight

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Gwen p.o.v.
So here are again after Caroline, Bonnie Emma and I finished watching our movie and eating our popcorn we went to bed.

I'm sleeping when someone starts shaking me.

"Gwen get up we're late for school" Caroline says shaking me.

"Dude I'm up you can stop shaking me now" I said sitting up in my bed.

"Go take a  shower and get ready I'll be downstairs" Caroline said walking out my room.

I get into the bathroom close the door and strip my clothes off and step in the shower.

After I took a bath and brushed my teeth I wrapped my self in my towel and did my hair in a high ponytail and put on my usual makeup lipstick and eyeliner.

I got dressed in a blue crop top a white jacket, a white jeans pants and a pair of white denim sneakers.

"Hey good morning aunt Malia" I said coming down the stairs.

"Hey good morning sweety". "Do you want some breakfast" she asked.

"No I'll just have some orange juice". I said taking up a glass of orange juice.

"Emma is waiting for you outside"

"Okay, bye" I saw Emma Caroline Bonnie waiting for me beside my car.

"Hey good morning ready to go" Emma enquired.

"Yep, let's go" I said getting into the car.

After we reached school Emma and I were standing at our locker when a girl with a lot of makeup on bumped Emma and made her books fall.

Emma p.o.v.
Gwen and I were standing at our locker when a girl with a lot of makeup on bumped into me and made my books fall.

"Heyyy!! I shouted causing everyone to look at me.

" Watch it Bitch" She said giving me a stink eye.

"What did you just call me" I asked through gritted teeth.

"You heard me, oh looks like you two are new here a word of warning I'd watch it if I were you".

" Excuse me you bumped into her not the other way around". Gwen fired at her.

"Yeah just tell your nerdy friend to stay out of our way" another one of the girls said.

" Bianca let's go they aren't worth it" the one that told Gwen to stay out of their way said.

"Um you two aren't going anywhere until you pick my books up". I said folding my fists.

" Bitch please you got took pick those up yourself". Bianca spat.

"I would stop calling her bitch if I were you" Gwen warned her.

"And what is she going to do" she said pushing my shoulder.

"I'm gonna do a lot of damage to your face" I said pushing her to the ground.

I sat on her punching her in the face until Gwen pulled me off of her.

"Dude calm down". Gwen told me.

I took a breath in and out trying to calm myself.

"Miss Griffith's what's going on here" The principal asked coming up to Gwen and I.

"Bianca and I were walking and her books fell and they attacked Bianca" The girl I presume last name is Griffith's said.

" That is such a lie" Gwen told the principal.

"You two detention and I want to talk to your parents, violence is not allowed at my school." The Principal said.

"But you didn't even ask us what happened" Gwen said.

"I don't need to know what happened". The principal replied.

"Fine" I said.

Gwen p.o.v.
Emma and I are in freaking detention for something those clown looking bitches started.

I know Emma shouldn't have punched her but she shouldn't have pushed her and dropped her books on the floor.

" I can't believe we're in detention for something we didn't do mostly". I said gaining Emma's attention.

"So how did you guys get detention" Bonnie enquired.

"Some bitch named Bianca dropped my books then pushed me so I punched her repeatedly " Emma uttered.

"Did you break her nose" Elena asked.
"I wanted to do more than that". Emma stated.

" So now Malia and Kira have to come to school to talk to the principal ". I said.

Tyler p.o.v
I waited for Gwen after school so I could ask her a question I want to ask her out. I'm not really sure what she'll say but I gotta ask her.

" Hey Gwen".

"Hey, Its Tyler right?" She asked.

"Yeah it is". I said.

" Oh What's up". She asked.

"I wanted to ask you a question" I said nervously.

"Sure go ahead" she replied.

"I wanted to ask if you would wanna go out with me tonight". I said awkwardly.

"Yea I would love to" She smiled.

"So what time should I pick you up"  I enquired
"How about nine" She steps closer "If that's okay".

" Yeah that's great, goodbye" I kissed her on her cheek and walked away.

Shit I kissed her. I turned back around and walked up to her. "I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Its okay" She smiled.

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