10: Sex Talk

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Hunter p.o.v.
After I finished marking Gwen I retracted my fangs from her neck and covered her with the sheets. I've been watching Gwen sleep while thinking about what tell her about me marking her, used my powers to manipulate her mind and make love to her. I did it for a really good reason after we've mated if anything happens to her I'll be able to find her and feel the emotions that she feels and second of all the mate bond would be stronger than ever she wouldn't be able to stand another man touching her and she would feel more sparks when we touch each other. And the witch wanted Gwen before she was mated since she's mated now the witch won't come after her. I took a shower and got dressed in a black jeans pants a blue T-shirt and a black leather jacket. When I came back from the bathroom I saw Gwen sitting up on the bed holding the sheets closely to her chest like her life depended on it.
"Hey, Beautiful your awake". I said gaining her attention.
" Hunter what happened yesterday and why am I naked" She asked looking at the sheets.
"I ... Started but I couldn't find anything to say.
" Did you mark me" she asked making tears stream down her face.
I nodded my head then said "Yes".
" I can't believe you would do it after I begged you not to". She said getting off the bed with the sheets around her body and rushing to the bathroom to see the mark.

Gwen p.o.v.
Hunter marked me after I begged him not to.
"Did you mark me" I asked making hot salty tears run down my cheek.
He nodded his head then said "Yes".
"I can't believe you would do it after I begged you not to" I got up with the sheets around my body and ran to the bathroom to see the mark. I looked in the mirror to see that my mark was 'two wolves howling at the moon' it is absolutely beautiful but he messed with my head and marked me with out my permission.
"Babe I'm sorry" he said walking into the bathroom he looked in the mirror and saw the mark he placed his hands on my neck and brought his mouth where my mark was and kissed it sending shivers down my body my wolf was getting all giddy from our mates touch she wanted to come out and make love to him which she did. My eyes turned a gold looking color showing that my wolf took over Hunters wolf also took over giving his eyes a brown color. I kissed Hunters lips and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He wrapped his hands around my waist holding the sheets to my body I ripped his shirt leaving him shirtless and kissed his chest then down to his 8pack making him moan. He moved his hands from my waist to my thighs lifting me off the ground I wrapped my legs around his waist and I brought my hands to his pants and took it as the chance to unbutton it and take his belt off. I fought my wolf for control but she was not letting me stop her from making love to her mate. I dropped the sheets to the floor and Hunter took his pants off. He started sucking and biting my neck while my hands gripped his hair. I fought for control with my wolf until she gave up and I was back in control I saw what was going on so jumped out of Hunters arms and picked the sheets of the floor and wrapped them around my body once more.
"Once wrong, beautiful. Hunter said kissing my neck.
" Hunter stop, your not thinking straight your wolf has control of you". I stated pushing him away.
"I am thinking straight because your mine." He growled then grabbed my hand so I pushed him outside the bathroom and went to take a shower. After I took a bath I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my room where I see Hunter sitting on a chair.
"Are you okay now" I asked walking over to him.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled.
"I'm gonna go get dressed I said walking to my closet I took out a mix colored crop top and a black shorts I went to my underwear draw and took out a purple laced bra and a white underwear. " I'll leave so you can get changed" he said then walked out the door and closed it behind him. I got dressed and decided to do my hair in a high ponytail. Hunter knocked on the door and asked.
"Are you finished."
"Yea, you can come in". He steps into the room and tells me Emma wants to talk to me.
" Emma wants to talks to you" he informed me.
"Thanks" I replied walking out the door. I got to Emma's room to see her sprawled out on her bed.
"Hey, We need to talk" she said sitting up.
"What do you need to talk to me about" I asked sounding concerned.
"Did Hunter mark you". She asked excitedly.
" Yes he did and you know what I'm not that angry at him." I confessed honesty.
" I knew it, Oh did he tell you his brothers and parents are coming here". She asked.
" No" I responded.
"His twin brothers Tyson and Bryson
are coming here to meet you and his parents Lillian and Michael."
"Your joking right" I asked in disbelief.
"No I'm not, go and ask him" Emma suggested. I vamped sped out of her room to mine.
"Why didn't you tell me your brothers and parents were coming". I confronted him.
" Shit, I totally forgot." He said.
"And the fact that their coming today". I said hitting his chest making sparks fly through me but I wasn't focused on that.
"Babe, Calm down my parents are gonna love you." He said reassuring me.
"What am I gonna wear" I said rushing over to my wardrobe where I keep my dresses.
"Do you want my help picking something out". He offered.
" Yes please ". I said.

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