17 :I'm gonna kill that witch

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Hunter p.o.v.
I'm gonna rip that witch limb from limb. How could she take away my mates memory, how could she even take her away.  When I get my hands on her not even the devil himself could save her.

"Where you going" Stefan asked. He was sitting on the couch with Tyler.

"To find that witch and kill her" I replied simply.  "Wanna come"

"Yeah, why not I could use the exercise" he said.

"I'll come too for moral support, you know" Tyler said with a smile.

"Yeah, let's go" we walked outside the house and hopped into my car and drove to god knows where.

"Where are you going, exactly?" Tyler suddenly asks

"Honestly I don't know, I have pack members searching for the witch so I guess I'm waiting for a call" I answered.

"Should we..." Stefan trailed on but was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello" I answered instantly. I didn't even check to see the caller ID.

"Hunter its me Asa" my beta said over the phone.

Hunter - "give me good news"

Asa - "we caught the witch and some guy but a few pack members got hurt"

Hunter - "are they okay"

Asa - "their not hurt too badly"

Hunter - "meet me in the dungeons of the pack house"

Asa - "yeah later"

"They found the witch" Stefan asked more like stated.

"Yes" I said then sped faster down the road.

After I reached the pack house I rushed inside to the dungeons.

"Hey, who are they" Asa points to Stefan and Tyler behind me.

"Friends" I replied simply.

"Well the witch isn't saying anything and neither is the guy" I really hope its that Darius guy so I can kill him.

Asa opened the cage where a guy is in then left.

"You sure you guys wanna stay" I asked Tyler and Stefan.

"Nope, I'm gonna go look around"  Tyler said then left.

"I'll stay" Stefan said.

I turned back to the guy and knelt down to his chained body.  Blood covered his face and cuts were covering his arm.

"Well.... well... well, its Hunter, right" he asked with a smirk.

"Darius, isn't it" I stated ignoring his question.

"I guess Amelia told you about me" he still had that stupid smile in his face. I want more than anything to rip it off.

"Her name is not Amelia, it's Gwen" I said punching him in the face.

"Haha, did she tell about the time I fucked her in Jakes room, we almost got caught" he said still smiling.

I know its not true but, I hate how he talks about touching my mate.

"Shut up your lying" I hissed.

"Am I, or did she tell you the time when she said I was the best man she ever had" He continued.

Its a lie Hunter, calm down.

"Shut up" I growled squeezing his throat.

But he just kept smiling.

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