15: Kidnapped

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Emma p.o.v.
Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and I were searching the woods for Gwen and Jake with no luck.

"Emma I got something" Caroline said and I walked over to her.

"What is it" she points to two tranquilizer on the ground. So they've been kidnapped.

"Let's get back" Elena said. I can't leave my best friend out here.

"You guys go on back, I'm gonna keep searching" if I find who kidnapped my bestie their dead.

"I'll stay and help you search" Caroline said. After Bonnie and Elena left we tried catching Gwen's scent.

Sofia p.o.v.
Hunter's losing it. After he found Gwen and Jake were kidnapped he's been going crazy.

"Hunter calm down Gwen will be fine" I have to be strong for Hunter because if a break down who's gonna be here to calm him

"She's not fine if she's not in my arms" he replied.

"We'll find her" Tyson said trying calm him.

"We promise" Bryson said joining Tyson.

Gwen p.o.v.
I woke up in a dark room with a massive headache and my legs and hands hurt. I tried to move them but they we're restricted with chains. Fuck!
I heard someone groan so turned my head to see jake chained to the wall as well.
How the fuck did I get here. Oh yes the tranquilized me. Why do these fucking persons love using tranquilizers.

"Are you okay Jake?" I ask.

"I'm great" he said trying to move his legs. When he couldn't move them he said. "No I'm fucked up".

I had to giggle at that. A door opens and bright lights shines making me squint my eyes so they can adjust to the light. The stupid Darius walks in with a stupid grin on his smugly face. Ugh I hate this dude.

"Darius, You the fuck again" I growled. He smiles even brighter and walks up to me.

"Hello beautiful, I see you haven't last your spark" he said rubbing my cheek.

"Don't fucking touch my sister" Jake growled.

"Calm down Jake, I won't hurt her" he said walking over to Jake.

"How the fuck do you know my name" Jake asked.

"We know everything about you, your sister and her mate" The voice didn't come from Darius. I looked over to the door to see Cassandra standing there.

"And who the fuck are you?" Jake asked.

"I'm your mother, my son" not this mom shit again.

"She's the witch that cursed our parents" I told Jake.

"Oh, she is really crazy" he said with a light chuckle.

"Enough chit chat, let's get this over with" Darius unlocks my chain but before I could do anything he injected me with something and darkness consumed me again.

Jake p.o.v.
Darius left with Gwen but the witch stayed.

"Why are you still here!" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Because I'm gonna work on you first" she said then two persons walked in a lady with red hair and a man with black hair.

"What are you gonna do" I ask as they made me lay on my back.

"Change you into my child" she said. What does that mean.

She started chanting some words in Latin over and over.
"Inctibus Elohim, Nomine Dei filli, Dei patris, Altissimi, Inctibus Elohim, Nomine Dei filli Spiritus"

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