Chapter 8: Sweet Treats, and Bittersweet Memories

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(Time to dive a little deeper into Vixen and Ralsei's friendship, YEET! Also, this is a semi-side chapter. Meaning, it SOMEWHAT corresponds with the story-line, but I mainly just use it for character building.)

Once they got past Clover, the group of four stopped at a bake sale of sorts. They saw a Rudinn selling diamond-shaped chocolates, a Hathy selling heart-shaped jelly donut, and Lancer and Susie selling cookies that looked like... Lancer's face. OK then.

(No joke, when I typed, "heart-shaped, I immediately wanted to type in "box" as a joke. If anyone caught the joke I made, I will be over the fricken' moon.)

Chara was IMMEDIATELY drawn to the chocolate diamond. "Vixen, I NEED to get one of those." She stated bluntly, dashing over to the stand. Vixen followed too as they DID look really good. Meanwhile, Kris got the Lancer cookie, and Ralsei got the heart donut.

After they were paid, Lancer and Susie immediately spent the money on a heart donut as well. Even after everyone was finished with their sweets, they all decided to take a break. Adventuring was starting to get tiring. They all just kind of chilled out around the bake sale.

Suddenly, Vixen got up, and flew to not-too distant tree, catching everyone's attention. "Where the hell is SHE going?" Susie asked. "It doesn't look like she went too far... Maybe she saw something...?" Ralsei suggested. "Nah, that can't be it. If she saw something, she would've told me." Chara replied.

'Then... What do YOU think she's doing, Chara?' Kris signed. "I'm not sure, but knowing her, she's probably in a tree... Again." Chara replied. "Wait, again? Does she hang out in trees a lot, or somethin'?" Susie asked. "Maybe she wants to be a bird! She has those giant wings, so it makes sense!" Lancer blurted out.

"I know THAT'S not what she's doing... Anyway, to answer your question, Susie, kinda. Vixen has this weird thing she does where she likes to sit on ceiling beams or tree branches. Sometimes she does it because it's fun, other times she does it so she can think." Chara explained.

Something clicked in Kris's mind. 'Wait, Ralsei, didn't you and Vixen meet when she was in a tree?' He asked. "Yeah, why?" Ralsei responded. 'Have you ever asked her WHY she was in a tree?' Kris asked. "Not really, I never really thought to-" Ralsei paused for second. "Wait a minute... Maybe she's...!" He mumbled, finally seeming to figure things out. "Um, f-follow me. I think I know what's causing her to act this way." He stated, leading in the direction where Vixen flew.

They all stopped behind a tree, just close enough to where they could see Vixen clearly. Who of which was just sitting in a tree in front of them, staring off into space. After a bit of staring at nothing, Vixen eventually sighed. "God damn it, Ink... You really like making me worried, don'tcha?" She asked, even though the person she was talking to wasn't even present.

"...Who the hell is Ink?" Susie asked. "I'm not sure, but... Hearing her say that sounds familiar... I think she might've talked about this 'Ink' person before..." Ralsei commented. 'What do you mean, Ralsei?' Kris asked. "I think he means he's heard Vixen talk about Ink before, but doesn't really know who he is." Chara answered for him.

"Wait, he? You met him before, or somethin'? Susie asked. "A few times, yeah. He's nice enough. He's another NON-HUMAN friend of Vixen's. I guess it's kind of a running theme for her or something, heh." Chara joked. "Wait, wha-?" Susie was cut off when they all heard Vixen sigh again. They looked around the tree again, and saw Vixen staring at what looked to be a necklace with a star charm on it, solemnly.

She smiled a small bit as she looked at specific part on the necklace. "Heh... You know... Its funny, really... You'd always call me 'Angel' as a nickname... And even then, it originated as a joke, and well... Look at me now. I'm a literal angel of darkness... Pretty ironic, right? Heheh... Heh.." She continued talking, her smile eventually fading away.

The Angel of Darkness, And the Demon of LightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum