Chapter 10: Good vs "Evil"

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After a minute, Vixen came back with Chara. "So... Does she ALWAYS do that? Stab trees?" Ralsei asked, as he and the others entered the maze. "Well, we don't know about 'always' but, sometimes she does, yeah." Vixen replied. "Usually only if I get frustrated. It doesn't happen as often as it did, but every now and then something will REALLY agitate me, so I go outside to stab a tree. It's therapeutic to me in a way, Y'know?" Chara added.

Ralsei hummed in response. Kris stopped suddenly, confusing the others. "Hm? Is something wrong, Kris? Why did you stop?" Ralsei asked, curiously. 'I'm pretty sure I just saw Lancer go to the right. Maybe we should follow him.' Kris signed in reply. "...Follow Lancer? I dunno, Kris. Not to say Lancer's dumb, but he seems to have rather... Questionable, intellect..." Chara remarked.

Kris just shrugged. "Well... Its worth a shot! Don't you think so, Vixen?" Ralsei asked, looking at Vixen, who of which shrugged as well. "I guess it is, yeah." She replied. And so, they followed Lancer... Who went to a dead end... "So which way are we going next?" Said child asked, excitedly.
"We... Were following you." Ralsei replied. "Oh... Why? I have no idea where I'm going!" Lancer stated, overly happy about the situation.

Chara stared at him blankly, before looking at the others. "What. Did I. Say." She bluntly asked, in a stating tone. Ralsei then leaned closer the group. "...let's just go... Wherever Lancer DOESN'T go?" He suggested, whispering. "Sounds good to me. Come on, let's go." Chara remarked, as they exited the dead end. "Well THAT didn't work..." Chara stated. "Um, yes, I suppose you're right, Chara... Uh, I guess we'll have to find another way out then..." Ralsei said, a bit quietly.

"Oh, I have an idea!" Vixen exclaimed, getting the others' attention. "Ralsei, what if Chara and I flew above the maze so we could guide you and Kris? Maybe that could work, yes?" She suggested. Ralsei thought for a minute. "Hmm... That's a good idea, Vixen! What do you think, Kris?" He commented, before asking Kris. Who of which simply gave a thumbs up. "Alrighty, then! You down for flying, Chara?" Vixen asked her younger sister. "Hells yeah! Let's do this!" Chara cheered happily, as she started flying upwards.

"Then it's settled. Kris, Ralsei..." Vixen started, as she began flying upwards with Chara. "Follow us." She finished as she started flying. They started going the correct direction, it wasn't long, however, until both sisters stopped in the air for a second. They glanced at each other for a second before nodding, as if they were telepathically communicating. They then flew back down.

"What is it? Why'd you come back down?" Ralsei asked in confusion. "We saw Susie ahead." Vixen answered. "We think she's looking for Lancer." Chara added. 'Was there any way around her?' Kris asked, to which Chara shook her head in response. "Nope. She's blocking the only path." She stated. "I guess that means we'll have to confront her." Ralsei commented. "Welp, let's go talk to her then, shall we?" Vixen asked rhetorically, as they approached Susie.

"Um... H-Hey, Susie." Vixen cautiously said, alerting Susie of her and the others' presence. Susie turned to look at them, a smirk on her face. "Hey, losers!" She greeted in a snarky way. She glanced around for a moment, before noticing Lancer wasn't around. Her facial expression then became confused. "Wait a sec. Where's Lancer?" She asked. "Err, well, he wasn't going the right way, so..." Ralsei replied, trailing off.

"You let him wander off BY HIMSELF?! You KNOW he's bad at mazes, right!?" Susie shouted, sounding a bit panicked. "He's probably lost and confused right now!" She added, still low-key freaking out. "Ho ho ho! I'm lost and confused!" Lancer's voice yelled, from somewhere else in the maze. "...There's NO freakin' way he heard that... Is there?" Chara asked, surprised. Vixen just shrugged, simply replying with an, "I 'unno."

"Sorry Susie... We didn't mean to make you worry about him." Ralsei apologized. Susie started sweating, as if hiding something. "Huh...? Look, I'm not, uh, worried about him! Bad guys gotta look out for each other, is all." She remarked, hiding the truth. But Chara saw right through her act, as did Kris and Vixen. Chara and Kris however gave Susie the, 'I doubt that' face.

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