Stuffy Feelings (Jin)-1

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Ugh... My life SUCKS.

Even after Jin had reminded me about taking my umbrella, being a preoccupied person, I forgot to take it. Its raining cats and dogs now. Me and my short term memory loss... I sometimes really ponder as to why am I like this.

I came out of my university and immediately got wet due to the rain. My god, it was raining pretty hard. I hope I don't catch a cold. I really can't afford to miss any classes now.

My apartment is not really that far from my university. I have to get home fast.

Its been an hour and I still haven't reached home. I hope my condition does not worsen as I am already feeling a little feverish.


"Come back fast jagi."

"I will for sure. How much of a supportive boyfriend can you be?" (Y/N) giggled.

"Shut up why wouldn't I be, I have been in your heart for years after all"

"Can you stop with these cheesy lines, just because you have a leave from your work today does not mean I'll not go for my lessons Oppa." She pouted cutely.

"Sorry, I did not mean to make you angry haha. But anyway it's supposed to rain today so don't forget to take the umbrella and come back fast OK?"

"OK, Annyeong." She simply said and waved me goodbye before closing the door and left the apartment.



t's evening now and (Y/N) has not returned from her university yet. I hope she has not forgotten to take her umbrella with her. She is very forgetful though.

ding dong...

Finally... She's back.

I open the door to see (Y/N) drenched because of the rain looking like she had just come out of a pool.

Oh my god, she looked like she was ready to collapse.

"(Y/N) are you okay-"

And she fell unconscious on top of me in mid-sentence.


(Y/N)'S POV:

I woke up feeling groggy. I got up from the bed I tried recollecting what happened yesterday.

Why don't I remember anything?

I arranged my bed and half-ran towards the kitchen. I know I will always find Jin in the kitchen. I found him making pancakes.

Jin hadn't realized that I was in the kitchen yet. I back hugged him and he got startled. He froze for a second but then relaxed knowing it was me.

"Oh, it's you. You scared me
(Y/N)-ah," Jin said.

"What actually happened yesterday?" I asked Jin.

"Oh, about that. You reached home drenched and burning with fever. I swear you scared me half to death (Y/N)..."

"I am so sorry for scaring you Oppa... I promise to take an umbrella from tomorrow." I said my voice filled with guilt.

"Its okay (Y/N), but now that its a Sunday today, wanna do something fun?"

"Okay. But what do you mean by something fun?" I asked confused tilting my head to one side.

Jin walked towards me in an unhurried and seductive manner while smirking and hit me against the wall.

Oh my God!

Is he thinking about-

Jin put one hand on the wall and slowly leaned in and whispered in my ear "I mean this....." and closed the gap between our lips.

~To Be Continued...

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