The Fire's Touch (Taehyung)-1

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"Good morning class, today we have a new student in our class, Kim Taehyung." Our biology professor announced.

I looked up from my desk to see a cute guy with reddish-brown hair. He was looking quite hot in the school uniform and his tie was slightly loosened which gave him a mouth-watering look.

Why am I already swooning?!

Taehyung looked a little nervous standing there in front of the whole class. And guess what? There was only one free seat.

Which was with me at the last desk. The professor asked him to sit next to me. He immediately obeyed her and sat down next to me.

"Yo!" I greeted him excitedly. After being in a school for a few years it gives a bit of confidence in front of new students. Taehyung chuckled and sat down beside me.

"My name is Min (Y/N). You can ask me anything and I'll help you whenever it's possible." I smiled wide, gently trying to put him at ease.

"Being a new student is pretty hard. I hope we can befriends," he said shyly.

"Of course Taehyung."

"Call me Tae," he said giving me his cute boxy smile.

I smiled at him and then turned away to concentrate on the class, indirectly telling him that this conversation was finished for now.

After the class when all the students were rushing for their next class we both made small talk and tried to get to know each other until I left him in front of his next class.

(After a few weeks):

Tae sat with my group of friends in recess but after the second week, he abruptly stopped hanging out with us.

I immediately saw changes in him. He was always smirking and winking at every girl with a good ass and big boobs.

He chose to hang out with the popular dudes. Some of the people who were good friends with Taehyung formed a gang called BANGTAN.

BANGTAN was one of the most extensively popular gangs in our school. All of them were players and used girls for entertainment and threw them away like underwear, breaking their hearts.

And of course, the school basically cherished BANGTAN.

Well, Tae also turned out to be a player. In fact, he was fuckboy. He has the record of breaking the most hearts in our school. I have learned that he has fucked almost all the girls in the school in the few weeks he has been here.

Except me obviously.

Tae and I were still sitting together in Biology. He was still very sweet to me.

We were always making small talk and thankfully there was no awkwardness between us. In fact, we were turning out to be really good friends.

Knowing that I wouldn't fall for his devilish tactics, he never tried anything on me.

I was actually happy being single. I was still a virgin which is a very embarrassing thing to admit while looking at the fact that I was friends with a fuckboy and our school was technically filled with fuckboys.

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