Captured Hearts (RM)-1

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"Don't you trust me Namjoon?!" I said burning with anger.

"I do trust you (Y/N)-ah, it's just that you could have told me earlier."

"No, you don't! I had just gone out with my friend Rośe to the club. Why do you always overreact so much you fucking bastard?!"

Namjoon put both his hands on my cheeks and tried apologizing but I pushed his hands away.

"Don't you dare touch me-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP (Y/N)!" Namjoon said finally firing back.

I instantly shut up. I regretted opening my mouth.

"I'm sorry Nam-"

"Don't you dare talk to me in that way (Y/N), I myself saw you hanging out with Jimin. You might not notice but I did when I came to the club." Namjoon said enraged.

I just stood there looking at him.

He continued, "And the funny thing was that you did not call me, I found out that you were at the club because Taehyung called me. He was there with his friends too and he saw you."


"I bet boys will literally fall for you when they see you in this dress." Rośe chuckled when we reached the club.

"Shut up Rośe, Don't you remember I am already taken?"

"He's at work now (Y/N)-yah, So it does not matter for now," Rośe said.

"Whatever, that is not going to change anything- where are you even taking me!"

Rośe shoulder-bumped me and I jolted towards a man. I looked up to find out it was JIMIN.

He whistled, "Hello, beautiful."

"Shut the fuck up Park."

"But I have the right to speak. Let's go to the bar."

"Whatever." I followed him because Rośe went off to dance with other chicks and I didn't want to left alone.

Jimin was a classmate at my university and I hate him because he is a typical playboy. For whatever reason, Rośe shipped us.

"Can I buy you a drink," Jimin asked me as we sat at the bar.

"What even-"

"What are you doing (Y/N)!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned and saw Namjoon. He glared at Jimin and without saying a word, dragged me out of the club.


"I didn't call you because I thought you were busy at work," I said with my head hung down.

"I know you won't do anything bad, but you could have at least told me about it," Namjoon replied, a bit calmly now.

"I'm sorry. I know it was a bit irresponsible of me. I won't do that kind of a thing ever again."

"You can't be forgiven so easily," Namjoon said smirking.

Namjoon grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bedroom. I was too scared to complain. We reached the bedroom and he threw me on the bed.

"Just wait here," He said commanding me and he left the room.

I sat on the bed waiting.

After a few minutes, Namjoon returned with a whip, a vibrator, a blindfold, and a rope. What is he going to do with this-


~To Be Continued...

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