The End?!

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So. Yup. This is it. I have finished all the seven smuts. And now...time for some bad news.

The thing is, I had thought of doing another series. Of threesomes and foursomes with the members.

But...I'm still in school. And one of the most important years in school is going to start in a few days. This time I want to focus on my studies. And most importantly I don't wanna disappoint my parents. So the main point is. I'm gonna take a complete break from Wattpad for a year.

After that, I MAY start writing again.

I'm taking a hiatus from Wattpad pretty soon but I think I'll be back till MAY 2020. I guess...

Now I'm going to rant bout the book. So people who don't care can hajima like right now.

History Of the Book:
One stupid day, I was bored. So I decided to write something. All of my friends were writing fanfics and I felt compelled to write something too.

I wrote a Jungkook smut...which turned out to be the worst thing I'd ever written. You guys can ask ty_track08 and kahinikrishnan. I felt embarrassed. I thought I couldn't write anything.

But then...

My exams started. And that is when the sexual frustration started. I wasn't able to look at BTS. Cuz I was studying the whole time.

I get bias wrecked the whole time. But I get the least bias wrecked by Yoongi. Don't get me wrong. I fucking luv that bitch.

So. Back to the point. I started having wet dreams about Yoongi. That was the car sex I had written. I'd imagined it all, one day before my exam. I wrote it before Christmas. It was the second smut I'd written and the first smut I published. It turned out to be good...
I guess.

I published it on the 31st of December 2018. Just a few days after my birthday. I was so fucking nervous. My hands were trembling. I didn't even publish it myself. ty_track08 published it for me. I was nervous the whole night.

Just when the clock struck 12 my nervousness vanished into thin air. I was genuinely happy that the new year had started.

After that, I had an idea that I should write a BTS Smut Series starting from the bottom of my bias list. Cuz I'd started with yoongi.

The list goes on. Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung. Ending with my ultimate bias, Jungkook.

Now I have a question. Plz, tell me which smut do u think was the best and the worst. In my opinion, the worst one was the Jimin oneshot and the best one was the Taehyung oneshot.



You have been an amazing friend. You've been with me since I wrote my first smut. You edited all of my smuts and voted on every chapter of mine. I can happily say that a part of this book is yours. I know this sounds cheesy but I couldn't have even published this book without you. Pls, check out her works guys. Her book is really interesting even though she denies it.

You are so fucking innocent. Then too you read every one of my smuts. You voted on every chapter and blew up the comment section whenever possible. You made 3 amazing covers for my book. Im is so fucking indebted to you. Plz, check out her works people. She's fucking amazing. You wouldn't be disappointed.

You aren't even an army, then to you voted on all chapters. You gave me the most honest feedback. thank you for the information on BDSM. I wouldn't have written the Namjoon oneshot if you hadn't given me the motivation.

Thank you for voting on my book even though u didn't read them. Lol.

Thank you for voting and commenting on my book. It's actually cuz of u guys that this book has more than 700 comments. You guys blow up the comment section so much. It's true that I haven't even watched porn yet. It's all my fucking imagination. Lmao. I'm such a goddamn virgin. Plz, check out her works too.

Thanks for voting and commenting on my book. You gave me the best feedbacks at the best times. I might have written something out of the world if you hadn't talked to me.

Thank you for voting and commenting on my book. If you hadn't motivated me I might have stopped writing my book. Plz, tell me if you liked the taehyung oneshot. And publish your book if you find the time. You know it has potential.

You voted on my book and gave me feedback whenever possible. You were very sweet to me and always motivated me to do better.
Pls, check out her works bitches.

thank you for voting on my books and talking to me. We both have so much in common, oh my god. Pls, check out her works. This unit can be a real inspiration.

Thank you for always voting on my book and talking to me.


And...that's it. Thank you for always sticking with me. I'm sorry if I disappointed you guys. I never thought this book could reach so many people. This book has brought me a lot of happiness and I hope it made you wet...

Hoping for better days.


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